conventional-commits copied to clipboard
Support excluding merge commits
It would be great if we could easily (and maybe even by default) exclude merge commits from the requirement.
Quick merge
When doing a merge of 2 branches that use proper commit messages, the automated merge commit message doesn't really matter and shouldn't be subject to the strict structure of conventional commits.
I want to merge
Add an ignore pattern that matches the auto generated merge commit messages.
Write a merge:
commit message for every merge.
@SamMousa Alternative solution would be implementing a custom Condition which checks if a merge is in progress. I've implemented following and it seems to work:
namespace App\HookConditions;
use CaptainHook\App\Console\IO;
use CaptainHook\App\Hook\Condition;
use SebastianFeldmann\Git\Repository;
class NotMerge implements Condition
* @inheritDoc
public function isTrue(IO $io, Repository $repository): bool
return !$repository->isMerging();
"commit-msg": {
"enabled": true,
"actions": [
"action": "\\Ramsey\\CaptainHook\\ValidateConventionalCommit",
"options": {
"config": {
"typeCase": null,
"types": [],
"scopeCase": null,
"scopeRequired": false,
"scopes": [],
"descriptionCase": null,
"descriptionEndMark": null,
"bodyRequired": false,
"bodyWrapWidth": null,
"requiredFooters": []
"conditions": [
"exec": "\\App\\HookConditions\\NotMerge"