emacs.d icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
emacs.d copied to clipboard

My own emacs configuration

  • Introduction I was a vimer before, I used the best editor in this planet. One day, a guy told me that there is also an awesome editor here, which is better than Vim/Vi (IMO, In some way, I don't want to start a holy war). What always convinced me is that Vim is the best, but action is loader than words. I could only defeat this guy that Vim is best after I try Emacs. Finally, I try Emacs for half of a year and I turn to be an Emacser :)
  • Install Before install this .emacs.d, make sure you have backup your configuration. #+BEGIN_SRC shell git clone https://github.com/ramsayleung/emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d #+END_SRC
  • Features ** Evil Even though I am an Emacser now, I have to admit that the way Vim edit file is the most efficent way, so there is no need to give it up. By the way, it is said that Emacs is "a great operating system, lacking only a decent ediotr", now I have Evil, I have them both. ** Company As for the completion framework, my choice is company-mode. Althoug auto-complete has better document, but company is easier to setup and less brittle
  • ScreenShot [[./images/emacs.png]]
  • Reference [[http://coldnew.github.io/coldnew-emacs/]]