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An alternate definition of Haskell's Functor typeclass

One thing that's often bothered me about the Functor typeclass is how arbitrarily it seemed tied to the last parameter of a type. It seemed unfair that Either a b and (a, b) couldn't be functors over both their parameters, only Functor1s or some other such workaround.

So let's change that, and get you a Functor that can do both.


Since this is a literate haskell file, we need to specify all our language extensions up front.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Kinder.Functor where

We need to get some of the Prelude out of the way - we'll be replacing its id and (.) with Category's, and its Functor with our own.

import Prelude hiding (Functor(fmap), id, (.))
import "base" Control.Category (Category(id, (.)))

Since we're using TypeInType, we need to import Data.Kind to bring the * kind (and its synonym Type) into scope.

import "base" Data.Kind (Type, type (*))

The rest of the imports are just for some example Functor instances.

import "base" Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(Compose, getCompose))
import "base" Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import "constraints" Data.Constraint (Dict(Dict), (:-)(Sub))
import "constraints" Data.Constraint.Forall (ForallF, instF)

the Functor typeclass

Using the power of TypeInType and TypeFamilies, we declare that for each kind k, there's a default category Cat k.

type family Cat k :: k -> k -> *

Now we define the Functor typeclass so that given a type f that maps objects in j to objects in k, we have fmap to map arrows in Cat j to arrows in Cat k:

class (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k)) => Functor (f :: j -> k) where
  fmap :: Cat j a b -> Cat k (f a) (f b)

Backwards compatibility with Prelude

The only types that have actual values we can manipulate at runtime are those of kind *. There's several categories that we could use to map types with values to each other, but the one that Prelude's Functor typeclass assumes is, no suprise, (->), so let's use that.

type instance Cat Type = (->) -- use *'s synonym Type here b/c GHC barfs otherwise

Having made this declaration, our Functor class is now compatible with Prelude's.

Don't believe me? Ask GHCi.

>>> :set -XTypeInType -XTypeApplications
>>> :t fmap
  :: forall k j (f :: j -> k) (b :: j) (a :: j).
     Functor f =>
     Cat j a b -> Cat k (f a) (f b)
>>> :t fmap @Type @Type
fmap @Type @Type :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

So now we can make all the normal Functor instances, and they work as normal, no special annotations required:

>>> fmap (+1) Nothing
>>> fmap (+1) $ Just 10
Just 11
instance Functor Maybe where
  fmap h = maybe Nothing (Just . h)

>>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
>>> fmap toUpper "hello world"
instance Functor [] where
  fmap = map

>>> fmap (+1) (0,0)
instance Functor ((,) x) where
  fmap h (x,a) = (x, h a)

>>> fmap (+1) $ Left 0
Left 0
>>> fmap (+1) $ Right 0
Right 1
instance Functor (Either x) where
  fmap h = either Left (Right . h)

>>> fmap (+1) (+2) 3
instance Functor ((->) x) where
  fmap = (.)

>>> import Data.Char (toUpper)
>>> fmap toUpper . Compose $ words "hello world"
Compose ["HELLO","WORLD"]
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose f g) where
  fmap h = Compose . fmap (fmap h) . getCompose

Natural transformations

But now you may ask "What about the other side of the pair? What about mapping over Right? I thought we were going to do those too?" And right you are.

All unsaturated parameterized types have kinds that look like a -> b -> c -> ... -> *. Just like the (->) type, the (->) kind really only considers one argument at a time, so if we want to operate over the other parameters of some type, it suffices to consider types of kind j -> k.

type instance Cat (j -> k) = Natural (Cat k)

Natural lets us lift an arrow between types of kind k to an arrow between types of kind j -> k by just asserting that the parameter of kind j doesn't matter, as long as it's the same before and after.

newtype Natural (cat :: k -> k -> *) (f :: j -> k) (g :: j -> k) = 
  Natural { runNatural :: forall x. cat (f x) (g x) }

instance Category cat => Category (Natural cat) where
  id = Natural id
  Natural c . Natural d = Natural (c . d)

I'm going to handwave in the direction of the many discussions of natural transformations in Haskell that I've stolen this idea from.

So now we can define additional Functor instances for (,) and Either that operate on the first parameter:

fmap1 :: (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k), Functor f) => Cat j a b -> Cat k (f a x) (f b x)
fmap1 = runNatural . fmap

>>> fmap1 (+1) (0,0)
instance Functor (,) where
  fmap h = Natural $ \(a, x) -> (h a, x)

>>> fmap1 (+1) $ Left 0
Left 1
>>> fmap1 (+1) $ Right 0
Right 0
instance Functor Either where
  fmap h = Natural $ either (Left . h) Right

But that's not all. We can also view Compose f g a as a functor in its first two parameters, only instead of using arrows from Cat Type, we use arrows from Cat (Type -> Type)

>>> import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
>>> fmap1 (Natural listToMaybe) . Compose $ words "hello world"
Compose [Just 'h',Just 'w']
instance Functor f => Functor (Compose f) where
  fmap h = Natural $ Compose . fmap (runNatural h) . getCompose

fmap2 :: (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k), Functor f) => Cat j a b -> Cat k (f a x y) (f b x y)
fmap2 = runNatural . fmap1

>>> import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
>>> fmap2 (Natural listToMaybe) . Compose $ words "hello world"
Compose (Just "hello")
instance Functor Compose where
  fmap h = Natural $ Natural $ Compose . runNatural h . getCompose

Like (->) or any other category, Natural cat f g is a functor over its last parameter.

>>> import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
>>> let rightToMay (Left _) = Nothing ; rightToMay (Right a) = Just a
>>> :t fmap (Natural maybeToList) (Natural rightToMay)
fmap (Natural maybeToList) (Natural rightToMay)
  :: Natural (->) (Either t) []
instance (Category cat, Cat k ~ cat) => Functor (Natural cat f) where
  fmap = (.)

It's also a functor over its first parameter, i.e. we can alter the category.

>>> import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(..))
>>> :t Kleisli . fmap return
Kleisli . fmap return :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> Kleisli m a b
>>> import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
>>> :t fmap2 (Natural (Natural (Kleisli . fmap return))) (Natural listToMaybe)
fmap2 (Natural (Natural (Kleisli . fmap return))) (Natural listToMaybe)
  :: Monad m => Natural (Kleisli m) [] Maybe
instance Functor Natural where
  fmap h = Natural $ Natural $ \(Natural h') -> Natural $ runNatural (runNatural h) h'

Other Kinds

Natural gives us an alternate destination category for fmap, one that lets us map over non-terminal parameters of a parameterized type.

But our definition of Functor also allows us to choose an alternate source category for fmap, so we're not limited to parameters of kind *.

We saw this for some of the Functor instances for Compose and Natural itself, but there's other kinds than * and j -> k.

For instance, consider the Peano numbers:

data Peano = Zero | Succ Peano

Using the power of DataKinds (automatically included with TypeInType), we can promote values of type Peano into types of kind Peano.

A canonical example that uses these types is SPeano, called a singleton type because for any n :: Peano, SPeano n has exactly one value.

data SPeano (n :: Peano) where
  SZero :: SPeano 'Zero
  SSucc :: SPeano n -> SPeano ('Succ n)

instance Show (SPeano n) where
  show = \sn -> show (toInt sn 0) where
    toInt :: SPeano m -> Int -> Int
    toInt SZero m = m
    toInt (SSucc sm) m = toInt sm $! 1 + m

In order to make SPeano a functor, we need a way of representing arrows between types of kind Peano.

In the absense of creativity, let's call this category CPeano:

type instance Cat Peano = CPeano

data CPeano (m :: Peano) (n :: Peano) where
  CSucc :: CPeano m n -> CPeano m ('Succ n)
  CId :: CPeano m m
  CPred :: CPeano m n -> CPeano ('Succ m) n

instance Show (CPeano m n) where
  show = \cn -> "(" ++ showSigned (toInt cn 0) ++ ")" where
    showSigned n | n < 0 = show n
    showSigned n | otherwise = '+' : show n

    toInt :: CPeano m' n' -> Int -> Int
    toInt CId n = n
    toInt (CSucc cn) n = toInt cn $ n + 1
    toInt (CPred cn) n = toInt cn $ n - 1

instance Category CPeano where
  id = CId

  CId . cn = cn
  cm . CId = cm
  CSucc cm . cn@(CSucc _) = CSucc (cm . cn)
  cm@(CPred _) . CPred cn = CPred (cm . cn)
  CPred cm . CSucc cn = cm . cn
  CSucc cm . CPred cn = coerceBy bisucc (cm . cn) where

bisucc :: CPeano m n -> CPeano ('Succ m) ('Succ n)
bisucc CId = CId
bisucc (CSucc cm) = CSucc (bisucc cm)
bisucc (CPred cm) = CPred (bisucc cm)

coerceBy :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
coerceBy _ = unsafeCoerce

Now that we can encode our arrows, we can define a Functor instance for SPeano:

>>> let minus2 = CPred (CPred CId)
>>> let three = SSucc (SSucc (SSucc SZero))
>>> :t fmap minus2 three
fmap minus2 three :: SPeano ('Succ 'Zero)
>>> fmap minus2 three
instance Functor SPeano where
  fmap CId sn = sn
  fmap (CSucc cm) sn = SSucc (fmap cm sn)
  fmap (CPred cm) (SSucc sn) = fmap cm sn

And, for that matter, for CPeano itself:

>>> let minus2 = CPred (CPred CId)
>>> let plus3 = CSucc (CSucc (CSucc CId))
>>> fmap minus2 plus3
>>> :t fmap minus2 plus3
fmap minus2 plus3 :: CPeano m ('Succ m)
>>> fmap plus3 minus2
>>> :t fmap plus3 minus2
fmap plus3 minus2
  :: CPeano ('Succ ('Succ n)) ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ n)))
instance Functor (CPeano m) where
  fmap = (.)

Contravariant functors, profunctors, and bifunctors

What we've been dealing with so far is covariant functors, but there are also contravariant functors, functors that reverse the arrows direction when lifting it from one category to another.

class (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k)) => Contravariant (f :: j -> k) where
  contramap :: Cat j a b -> Cat k (f b) (f a)

(->), Natural cat and CPeano all have Contravariant instances that allow them to modify their inputs:

-- types are often contravariant in their last-but-one parameter
lmap :: Contravariant f => Cat j a b -> Cat k (f b x) (f a x)
lmap = runNatural . contramap

>>> :t lmap show length
lmap show length :: Show a => a -> Int
instance Contravariant (->) where
  contramap h = Natural (.h)

>>> import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
>>> let rightToMay (Left _) = Nothing ; rightToMay (Right a) = Just a
>>> :t lmap (Natural rightToMay) (Natural maybeToList)
lmap (Natural rightToMay) (Natural maybeToList)
  :: Natural (->) (Either t) []
instance (Category cat, Cat k ~ cat) => Contravariant (Natural cat) where
  contramap h = Natural (.h)

>>> let minus2 = CPred (CPred CId)
>>> let plus3 = CSucc (CSucc (CSucc CId))
>>> lmap minus2 plus3
>>> :t lmap minus2 plus3
lmap minus2 plus3
  :: CPeano ('Succ ('Succ m)) ('Succ ('Succ ('Succ m)))
>>> lmap plus3 minus2
>>> :t lmap plus3 minus2
lmap plus3 minus2 :: CPeano a ('Succ a)
instance Contravariant CPeano where
  contramap h = Natural (.h)

Of course, there's a special name for types that are contravariant in one parameter and covariant in the next - Profunctors!

Unlike the standard implementation, we don't need a new typeclass for Profunctors, we can get away with just an alias.

type Profunctor f = (Contravariant f, ForallF Functor f)

>>> :t dimap show show length
dimap show show length :: Show a => a -> String
dimap :: Profunctor f => Cat j a b -> Cat j' c d -> Cat k (f b c) (f a d)
dimap = case instF of Sub d -> go d
  where go :: (Contravariant f) => Dict (Functor (f a)) -> Cat j a b -> Cat j' c d -> Cat k (f b c) (f a d)
        go Dict f g = fmap g . lmap f

While we're at it, we could define another alias for Bifunctors, types that are covariant in two adjacent parameters:

type Bifunctor f = (Functor f, ForallF Functor f)

>>> bimap (+1) (+2) (0,0)
bimap :: Bifunctor f => Cat j a b -> Cat j' c d -> Cat k (f a c) (f b d)
bimap = case instF of Sub d -> go d
  where go :: (Functor f) => Dict (Functor (f b)) -> Cat j a b -> Cat j' c d -> Cat k (f a c) (f b d)
        go Dict f g = fmap g . fmap1 f


Of course, this alternate definition of Functor has its own limitations.

A more categorical definition

The above Functor definition is very similar to Edward Kmett's "more categorical definition of Functor" in the categories package:

class (Category r, Category t) => Functor r t f | f r -> t, f t -> r where
  fmap :: r a b -> t (f a) (f b)

This typeclass obviates the need for a Contravariant class, as you can just choose flip the direction of the first category:

type Contravariant r = Functor (Opp r)

contramap :: Contravariant r t f => r a b -> t (f b) (f a)
contramap = fmap . Opp

lmap :: Contravariant r (Natural t) f => r a b -> t (f b x) (f a x)
lmap = runNatural . contramap

newtype Opp cat a b = Opp { runOpp :: cat b a }

instance Category cat => Category (Opp cat) where
  id = Opp id
  Opp f . Opp g = Opp (g . f)

instance Functor (->) (->) ((->) a) where
  fmap = (.)

instance Functor (Opp (->)) (Natural (->)) (->) where
  fmap (Opp h) = Natural (.h)

In order to define a Contravariant in terms of our definition of Functor, we'd need the ability to define values of types of kind other than than *, which Haskell doesn't yet support.

(I actually tweaked categories' Functor definition very slightly - I made it polykinded by just enablying PolyKinds and I permuted the parameter order to make definining something like Profunctor easier)

type Profunctor r s t f = (Contravariant r (Natural t) f, ForallF (Functor s t) f)

dimap :: Profunctor r s t f => r a b -> s c d -> t (f b c) (f a d)
dimap = case instF of Sub d -> go d
  where go :: (Contravariant r (Natural t) f) => Dict (Functor s t (f a)) -> r a b -> s c d -> t (f b c) (f a d)
        go Dict f g = fmap g . lmap f

Categories and DefaultSignatures

You might have noticed that (->), Compose, and CNat, all of which have Category instances, all have identitical instances of Functor and Contravariant. In fact, this will be true for any Category, which makes it a great opportunity to use the DefaultSignatures language extension:

class (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k)) => Functor (f :: j -> k) where
  fmap :: Cat j a b -> Cat k (f a) (f b)

  default fmap :: (f ~ Cat j x, k ~ Type) => Cat j a b -> Cat j x a -> Cat j x b
  fmap = (.)

class (Category (Cat j), Category (Cat k)) => Contravariant (f :: j -> k) where
  contramap :: Cat j a b -> Cat k (f b) (f a)

  default contramap :: (f ~ Cat j, k ~ j -> Type) => Cat j a b -> Natural (->) (f b) (f a)
  contramap h = Natural (.h)

However this doesn't compile in ghc-8.0.2 due to limitations in the type system, though this may be possible in a future version of GHC.

Literate Haskell

This file is a literate haskell file, for use with markdown-unlit. To allow GHC to recognize it, it's softlinked as Kinder/Functor.lhs, which you can compile with

$ ghc -pgmL markdown-unlit Kinder/Functor.lhs

Many of the above examples are doctest-compatible, and can be run with

$ doctest -pgmL markdown-unlit Kinder/Functor.lhs

Alternately, you can have cabal manage the dependencies and compile and test this with:

$ cabal build
$ cabal test