Guillaume Gelin

Results 147 comments of Guillaume Gelin

Hi @Himura2la! No, we don't want to convert the README to Markdown. `flask2postman` is a little tool to generate a Postman collection from a Flask application. To do this, it...

Or we could gently ask Postman to consider implementing rST support. :smile:

Yes! Insomnia already supports Postman collections, but we need to find out why it doesn't accept the collections exported by flask2postman.

flask2postman exports Postman v1 collections, while Insomnia only support the Postman v2 schema. We should make the output configurable and support both.

Meanwhile, you can pipe the output of flask2postman to [postmanlabs/postman-collection-transformer]( :tada:

Thanks for the work @Lanseuo! My last comment still stands but we're almost there. :fire:

I'm just seeing that [Tiled can export maps as JSON]( as well, and that Phaser supports these JSON maps natively with its [`tilemapTiledJSON` loader method](! @Donorhan That could be a...

We found a workaround by giving more CPU to lemverse, which appeared to be the bottleneck here. It seems that a user loading a level is very CPU-intensive for lemverse...

Sounds quite doable. :) Do you have a workaround in the meantime?

That works for new features but not the existing ones. We can't disable the chat that way, for example. :)