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CLI & Library to convert a RAML 1.0 data type to a JSON Schema, and back


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CLI & Library to convert a RAML 1.0 DataType to a JSON Schema, and back. Uses webapi-parser under the hood.


Global (CLI)

npm install -g ramldt2jsonschema

This will install two command-line tools:

  • dt2js: RAML data type <> JSON schema
  • js2dt: JSON schema <> RAML data type


dt2js <ramlFile> <ramlTypeName> --draft=[version] [--validate]


  • <ramlFile> Path to a file containing at least one RAML data type (e.g. path/to/api.raml)
  • <ramlTypeName> RAML type name to convert to JSON schema
  • --draft Optional JSON Shema draft version to convert to. Supported values are: 04, 06 and 07 (default)
  • --validate Validate output JSON Schema with Ajv. Throws an error if schema is invalid. Requires "ajv" to be installed. (default: false)


js2dt <jsonFile> <ramlTypeName> [--validate]


  • <jsonFile> Path to a JSON schema file (e.g. path/to/schema.json)
  • <ramlTypeName> RAML type name to give to the exported RAML data type
  • --validate Validate output RAML with webapi-parser. Throws an error if it is invalid. (default: false)

Locally (JavaScript)

npm install ramldt2jsonschema --save


const r2j = require('ramldt2jsonschema')
const join = require('path').join
const fs = require('fs')

const filePath = join(__dirname, 'complex_cat.raml')
const ramlData = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString()

async function main () {
  let schema
  try {
    schema = await r2j.dt2js(ramlData, 'Cat')
  } catch (err) {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2))



const r2j = require('ramldt2jsonschema')
const join = require('path').join
const fs = require('fs')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')

const filePath = join(__dirname, 'complex_cat.json')
const jsonData = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString()

async function main () {
  let raml
  try {
    raml = await r2j.js2dt(jsonData, 'Cat')
  } catch (err) {
  console.log('#%RAML 1.0 Library\n')
  console.log(yaml.safeDump(raml, { 'noRefs': true }))


Resolving references

When the input contains external references (!include, uses:, $ref, etc.) and the referred files are not in the same directory as the script it is being ran from, you may provide a third argument to both dt2js and js2dt. The argument must be an object with a basePath key. All references will then be resolved relative to that base path.

Example of using basePath argument in dt2js:

// Script below ran from /home/john/where/ever/
// Reference is located at /home/john/schemas/simple_person.json
const raml2json = require('ramldt2jsonschema')

const ramlStr = `
  #%RAML 1.0 Library

    Person: !include simple_person.json
const basePath = '/home/john/schemas/' // or '../../schemas/'
const schema = raml2json.dt2js(ramlStr, 'Person', { basePath: basePath })
console.log(JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2))


  • in js2dt
    • the following JSON Schema properties are not supported and as a result, may not be converted as expected:

      dependencies, exclusiveMaximum, exclusiveMinimum, items (array value), allOf, oneOf, not, format (email, hostname, ipv4, ipv6, uri), readOnly

    • the following JSON Schema properties won't be converted at all:

      $schema, additionalItems, contains, id, $id, propertyNames, definitions, links, fragmentResolution, media, pathStart, targetSchema

    • array items property is not properly converted to RAML when it's value is an array of schemas (see #111)


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