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Make a second on the website for common formulas
From @krainboltgreene on April 20, 2016 22:0
Hey! Long time (4 months) lover of ramda.js, and I find myself with a fun little function that I don't think should be added to ramda but should be available to others if they need the same thing.
So as I propose a new tab on the website for function frankensteins that are too easy to be added to ramda, but too small for a library. "Examples" or "Practical" or "Recipies"?
Copied from original issue: ramda/ramda#1744
Thanks for the kind words. We have a Cookbook
From @krainboltgreene on April 20, 2016 22:15
I know cookbook exists, but it's not very "public" in the same way as the website :(
i'm all ears if you want to raise the profile of the cookbook stuff.
A tab on the site for examples i think is a fine idea. Even better if it is integrated with the REPL
From @pauloliver on April 20, 2016 23:48
:+1: for a tab on the site with examples.
I think putting the cookbook a bit more out in the open is a good idea.
From @CrossEye on April 21, 2016 3:43
Perhaps we could simply post the Cookbook to the site? It's simply Markdown, after all. I have several other pages I'd like to do this with. That might make REPL integration a bit tougher, though.
That might make REPL integration a bit tougher
one problem at a time. I'm in favor of promoting the cookbook on ramdajs.com ASAP and integrating with repl later.
From @taylonr on April 23, 2016 3:4
That might make REPL integration a bit tougher
one problem at a time. I'm in favor of promoting the cookbook on ramdajs.com ASAP and integrating with repl later.
I think integrating with the REPL won't be that hard...or at least one option won't be.
For example, I played around with a couple libraries tonight and figured out this code:
'use strict';
let R = require('ramda');
let gfm = require('gfm-code-blocks');
let fs = require('fs');
var str = fs.readFileSync('Cookbook.md', 'utf8');
let urlEncoder = R.pipe(
That outputs a URL encoding string for example #9 from the Cookbook (Get and Object's Method Names).
The URL is: http://ramdajs.com/repl/#?code=%2F%2F%20%20methodNames%20%3A%3A%20Object%20-%3E%20%5BString%5D%0Avar%20methodNames%20%3D%20R.compose(R.keys%2C%20R.pickBy(R.is(Function)))%3B%0A%0Avar%20obj%20%3D%20%7B%0A%20%20foo%3A%20true%2C%0A%20%20bar%3A%20function()%20%7B%7D%2C%0A%20%20baz%3A%20function()%20%7B%7D%2C%0A%7D%3B%0A%0AmethodNames(obj)%3B%20%2F%2F%20%3D%3E%20%5B'bar'%2C%20'baz'%5D
This could be done as part of a build process, create Cookbook.md, run it through the gfm extractor, and match up the output link with the example. A button that says "Try it out!" or something similar.
I'm not exactly sure where to do this in the code, or I'd be submitting a PR and not just pasting code in this issue.
ok, i think we have a direction and some ideas; i will move this issue to ramda.github.io and let's proceed from there
I'm not exactly sure where to do this in the code, or I'd be submitting a PR and not just pasting code in this issue.
Yes, it's that sort of thing we need to figure out. I hadn't used gfm-code-blocks
before, so it's nice to see that that part will be easy. But the details of how to integrate this sort of thing into the site were what I was worried about, not how to format the code blocks as an actual link.
I don't think this will be terribly difficult. I just think that it's a little more work that we might at first believe.
I also wonder if there would be any interest in trying to embed Tonicdev directly into the page rather than link to the REPL.
Tonicdev looks pretty cool. I'm fairly new to Ramda, but I really like it and thought I'd see if there were any low hanging fruit issues I could tackle to help out. This one, at first blush, seemed like it might be a good candidate.
We would welcome the help!
I toyed around with tonic some today and started copying the cookbook over. There's a few examples on the cookbook that will need some tweaking. For example, there's one that uses the DOM, but doesn't have the DOM.
Anyway, so far what I've done was create another menu item on the nav bar called "Cookbook" and have it go to an index page with a tonic per example.
I wanted to get your thoughts. I'm thinking of creating a PR of what I've got (or, what I have once I add in make support to create the index page.) And see if that's a direction you'd like to go. That way I don't spend too much time and we realize it's not all it's cracked up to be. I'm hoping to do that in the next day or two.
I wanted to get your thoughts. I'm thinking of creating a PR of what I've got
sounds good to me.
Created a PR: https://github.com/ramda/ramda.github.io/pull/79