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TypeScript typings
Hi everyone,
I would love to have typings for ramda-fantasy. Ramda itself has typings. I noticed that folktale also has no typings. Is there any reason why there are no type definitions available? Its just because nobody uses ramda/ramds-fantasy with TS?
i am sure some would find TS useful. no reason they should not exist
Good to know :)
Ive started working on some typings, but Im new to ramda/ramda-fantasy (and fp in general) so I may need your help :)
declare module 'ramda-fantasy' {
import { CurriedFunction2 } from 'ramda';
interface Future<E, A> {
fork(reject: (v: E) => void, resolve: (v: A) => void): void;
ap(f: any): any;
map<A2>(fb: (e: A) => A2): Future<E, A2>;
bimap<E2, A2>(errFn: (value: E) => E2, successFn: (value: A) => A2): Future<E2, A2>;
chain<A2>(fn: (v: A) => Future<E, A2>): Future<E, A2>;
chainReject<A2>(fn: (value: E) => Future<E, A2>): Future<E, A2>;
interface FutureStatic {
<E, A>(fn: (reject: (v: E) => void, resolve: (v: A) => void) => void): Future<E, A>
new <E, A>(fn: (reject: (v: E) => void, resolve: (v: A) => void) => void): Future<E, A>;
cache<E, A>(f: Future<E, A>): Future<E, A>;
of<E, A>(x: A): Future<E, A>;
reject<E, A>(val: E): Future<E, A>;
export const Future: FutureStatic;
interface IO<T> {
ap<T2, T3>(thatIo: IO<T2>): IO<T3>;
chain<T2>(fn: (value: T) => IO<T2>): IO<T2>;
map<T2>(fn: (value: T) => T2): IO<T2>;
runIO(): T;
interface IOStatic {
<T>(fn: () => T): IO<T>;
new <T>(fn: () => T): IO<T>;
of<T>(x: T): IO<T>;
runIO<T>(io: IO<T>): T;
export const IO: IOStatic;
interface Identity<T> {
ap<T2, T3>(app: Identity<T2>): Identity<T3>;
chain<T2>(fn: (value: T) => Identity<T2>): Identity<T2>;
map<T2>(fn: (value: T) => T2): Identity<T2>;
interface IdentityStatic {
<T>(value: T): Identity<T>;
new <T>(value: T): Identity<T>;
of<T>(x: T): Identity<T>;
export const Identity: IdentityStatic;
interface Either<L, R> {
chain<L2, R2, T>(f: (e: Either<L2, R2>) => T): Either<L2, T>;
ap<R2>(f: (e: R) => Either<L, R2>): Either<L, R2>;
extend<L2, R2, T>(f: (e: Either<L2, R2>) => T): Either<L2, T>;
equals<L2, R2>(that: Either<L2, R2>): boolean;
bimap<L2, R2>(lf: (value: L) => L2, rf: (value: R) => R2): Either<L2, R2>;
map<T>(fn: (e: R) => T): Either<L, T>;
interface EitherStatic {
Left<L, R>(value: L): Either<L, R>;
Right<L, R>(value: R): Either<L, R>;
either<L, R, T>(left: (value: L) => T, right: (value: R) => T, e: Either<L, R>): T;
either<L, R, T>(left: (value: L) => T, right: (value: R) => T): (e: Either<L, R>) => T;
either<L, R, T>(left: (value: L) => T): CurriedFunction2<(value: R) => T, Either<L, R>, T>;
isLeft<L, R>(x: Either<L, R>): boolean;
isRight<L, R>(x: Either<L, R>): boolean;
of<L, R>(value: R): Either<L, R>;
export const Either: EitherStatic;
interface Maybe<T> {
getOrElse(value: T): T;
map<T2>(fn: (vlaue: T) => T2): Maybe<T2>;
ap<T2>(m: Maybe<T>): Maybe<T2>;
chain<T2>(fn: (value: T) => Maybe<T2>): Maybe<T2>;
// reduce(fn: ());
equals<T2>(m: Maybe<T2>): boolean;
interface MaybeStatic {
Just<T>(value: T): Maybe<T>;
Nothing<T>(): Maybe<T>;
isJust<T>(x: Maybe<T>): boolean;
isNothing<T>(x: Maybe<T>): boolean;
maybe<T, T2>(seed: T2, fn: (value: T) => T2, m: Maybe<T>): T2;
maybe<T, T2>(seed: T2, fn: (value: T) => T2): (m: Maybe<T>) => T2;
maybe<T, T2>(seed: T2): CurriedFunction2<(value: T) => T2, Maybe<T>, T2>;
of<T>(x: T): Maybe<T>;
export const Maybe: MaybeStatic;
I dont know if this is the right way at all :/
@otbe, Hello! Nice job. Can you publish your typings in dt~ repository?
Hi @RomanValihura, please feel free to use or publish it on you own :) I stopped using ramda/ramda-fantasy together with TypeScript atm.
cant this be a PR and be in a type-definition directory?