Hi, Do you mean that you want to assess the accuracy of your trajectory? This is not implemented within ImageSeqAssoc, that script does not assume that ground truth of the...
Hi, the reconstruction part uses OpenGL and it is already running on the GPU. The whole tracking part is running on the CPU so in theory that could be sped...
The algorithm runs on half the resolution compared with ElasticFusion so this may make the map less detailed. Also, because we add and remove points a lot, in time this...
I fixed this here: [2abd6e5](https://github.com/raluca-scona/staticfusion/commit/2abd6e5)
Hi Mike, the code assumes that there exists a corresponding depth pixel for each color pixel. It would be really difficult to change this and not worth it in my...
Hi, sorry for the late reply. I am using OpenCV and MRPT 1.3.2. Did it work for you to compile any of the other executable files, like StaticFusion-Datasets or...