Where do you expect your box to find the config file? On my test system (which yet is _not_ fedora), the presence of a config file is checked as stated...
In general I understand the intention of this feature request. The concern I have is that this means to expose the Tor control port to be reachable from remote locations...
Thank you for this great contribution! I'll add the service file to the next release.
Hi! The [README](https://github.com/ralphwetzel/theonionbox#hidden-service-operations) explains in detail how you have to configure your Tor node **and** your Box to achieve this. Honestly yet this is the most advanced setup you can...
If you provide some information, I could try to support: From your local torrc: - `ControlPort` - `SocksPort` From your _The Onion Box_ configuration file (only those lines that you...
What's the schedule to move this into the standard ... perhaps (initially) as an alternative node?
Updated accordingly!
> with a 3k3 pullup resistor Hi @colinl ! Could you please confirm this data? According to spec, a single DS18B20 demands a 4k7. A 3k3 might be too small...