Hi, i am trying to use clp to solve a minimization problem with semi-continuous variables. Please see my sample problem (i hope I haven't oversimplified it): ``` NAME ROWS N...
Hi, im testing with cbc solution files and my model. [Model.zip](https://github.com/coin-or/Cbc/files/12803089/Model.zip) ``` CBC.exe "model.mps" -directory "%Temp%" -solve -printingOptions all -solution "all.cbc" -printingOptions allcsv -solution "allcsv.cbc" ``` with model.mps i want...
Hi, coming from lpSolve I'm testing a model with Semi-continuous and binary variables with different solvers with https://neos-server.org/neos/solvers/index.html and CBC, Gurobi + CPLEX With my model (v1 had missing SC...
pocount on Windows Python 3.12.5 adds empty lines in between the rows when redirecting output into a file with ">" The solution described on [StackOverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27986695/how-can-i-stop-pythons-csv-dictwriter-writerows-from-adding-empty-lines-between) is to add "lineterminator='\n'" to...