interoptopus copied to clipboard
Separating namespaces and generating the common one
I have followed the reference project and trying out the service
pattern I am however having troubles understanding:
- how you define a "namespace" (where you specify what Rust file code goes into which?)
- how do you get to generate bindings for the "Common" or needed stuff
Here is my case: I have reused only the SimpleService
from the reference project and then added it to the generation list.
What happens is that I get the SimpleService generated, but don't get the common.cs being generated on the side, so it ends up with types like SliceMutu32
not being found in C#.
Here is my generation code, inspired from the
for Unity.
let namespace_mappings = NamespaceMappings::new("MyCompany.Unity")
.add("common", "MyCompany.Unity.Common");
let output_folder_str = to_folder.to_str().unwrap();
println!("Generating folder: {}", output_folder_str);
for namespace_id in from_inventory.namespaces() {
let output_file_name = format!("UnityRustPlugin.{}.cs", namespace_id).replace("..", ".");
let output_file_path = format!("{}/{}", output_folder_str, output_file_name);
println!("Generating path: {}", output_file_path);
let write_types = if namespace_id.is_empty() {
} else {
// Configure C# generation optimized for Unity
let unity_bindings_config = Config {
// Comment to put on top of the generated file
file_header_comment: HEADER_COMMENT.to_string(),
// Name of static class for Interop methods, e.g., `Interop`.
class: "UnityRustPlugin".to_string(),
// Name of static class for constants, e.g., `Interop`. If [None] then [Self.class] is used
// class_constants: Option<String>,
dll_name: "unityrustplugin".to_string(),
// Maps which namespace id belongs into which FQN (e.g., "common" => "MyCompany.Common").
namespace_mappings: namespace_mappings.clone(),
// Namespace ID of _this_ namespace to write (default "").
namespace_id: namespace_id.clone(),
// Sets the visibility access modifiers for generated types.
visibility_types: CSharpVisibility::ForceInternal,
// Whether, say, a `x: [u8; 3]` should become 3 `x0: u8, ...` instead.
// If this is not set, interop generation with arrays in structs will fail. This is a somewhat
// open issue w.r.t Unity-sans-unsafe support and feedback would be greatly welcome!
// Default: TRUE
unroll_struct_arrays: true,
// Which types to write.
write_types: write_types,
// If enabled bindings will use C# `unsafe` for increased performance; but will need to be enabled in C# project settings to work.
use_unsafe: Unsafe::UnsafePlatformMemCpy,
// Generate functions and field names matching C# conventions, instead of mapping them 1:1 with Rust.
rename_symbols: false,
// Also generate markers for easier debugging. Default: FALSE
//debug: true,
// If signatures that normally use arrays should instead use span and readonly span.
// Requires use_unsafe, as pinning spans requires the fixed keyword in C#.
param_slice_type: ParamSliceType::Array,
Generator::new(unity_bindings_config, unityrustplugin::my_inventory())
.write_file(output_file_path).expect("Unable to generate bindings cs file.");
From the logs I see that loop only runs once and there is no "common" namespace.
Thank you for your much needed input!