Ralf Hielscher
Ralf Hielscher
Hi Thomas, first a short point, I will think about this later more in detail. If you look at the quaternion representing the rotation between A and B then it...
Hi Rüdiger, could you send those orientations? Ralf.
Hi Rüdiger, thank you for reporting this deep and serious bug. It seems to be in `SO3Grid/find` which is called by `calcODF` and is related to trigonal symmetry. A workaround...
Hi Adam, may I ask why you want to export the ODF in this format. A more simple way for lossless export is to save it as a mat file...
Hi Mohamed, thank you very much for your suggestion. Could you please help by thinking of a nice syntax, i.e. how exactly should the command look like, what should be...
I implemented the function `intersect` as requested. The syntax is ``` matlab mtexdata csl grains = calcGrains(ebsd) plot(grains.boundary) % define some line xy1 = [0,10]; % staring point xy2 =...
Have you tried ```matlab text(vector3d.X,'TD','horizontalAlignment','left') ``` and ```matlab text(vector3d.Y,'ND','VerticalAlignment','bottom') ``` Ralf.
have a look here https://github.com/mtex-toolbox/mtex/blob/ed9abd9922c1d5ca85cdc9540829e3ecbbcde4b2/mtex_settings.m#L41
Please try ```matlab pfAnnotations = @(varargin) []; setMTEXpref('pfAnnotations',pfAnnotations); ``` Ralf.
Have a look here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mtexmail/v5DyVKW9L6k how to get a handle to the title. the title has position and alignment properties which can be altered. Does this help you? Ralf.