Ralf Hielscher
Ralf Hielscher
Sorry, there was a small mistake. Can you try again? Ralf.
Could you please by hand replace the 129 by 43 in the ang file? Thank you very much for your help. Ralf. ******************************************************************** Ralf Hielscher Tel: +371-531-38556 Fakultät für Mathematik...
Hi David, unfortunately not. This is somehow on my TODO list but not so simple to implement. Ralf.
Hi Rüdiger, so etwas könnte ich tatsächlich auch gut gebrauchen. Ich denke, https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punkt-in-Polygon-Test_nach_Jordan ist ein guter Ansatz, dass sich Schnittpunkte auch auf der Sphäre schnell berechnen lassen. Ralf. ******************************************************************** Ralf...
Hi Rüdiger, what about this: take an arbitrary point which we call "inside" and the connect the point in question with this point by an bigcircle. If this connecting line...
Hi Rüdiger, it might help that ```matlab angle(v1,v2,N) ``` returns a signed angle relative to the normal N. Ralf.
Hi Rüdiger, what is the general purpose with such region? If it is of bigger interest - it would probably make sense to implement it as a class similar to...
Hi Rüdiger, indeed when representing spherical polyhedrons by spherical regions. The spherical polyhedron need to be convex. The reason lies in the way those spherical regions are represented. Ralf.
Hi Rashed, thank you for the suggestion. I will take a look on this. Just two corrections 1. The bilateral filter even requires two parameters to be specified. Actually, I...
Hi Thomas, I can confirm that MTEX 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 give different values for alpha33. More specifically, both versions give different values for ebsd.gradientX (and gradientY). However, the two values...