Jaana Dogan
Jaana Dogan
Closed via https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/gddo/+/90855.
@shantuo, can you close?
@hajimehoshi, hiding internal all together and providing just an "internal" link if there is one or more internal packages is more complicated. If internal package doesn't contain source itself, godoc...
> If internal package doesn't contain source itself, godoc simply cannot render a page just for the sake of directory listing Actually, I am not sure if this is the...
> Python and Java maintain a separate version of the storage client library specifically for this purpose: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-gcs-client. I would like to hear some insights from the maintainers of these...
To be clear, both should implement this feature.
Traceparent and Tracestate from W3C Trace Context specification are not a part of OTel. W3C Trace Context is a standalone spec, Otel is one of the implementors. If we choose...
> They seem no more or less specific than the respective HTTP headers. @rakyll do you have some specific downsides in mind from using these as is, in accordance with...
We have been working on the X-Ray backend to allow 128 bit trace IDs. Once that work is complete, we will be able to support ingesting 128 bit trace IDs.
Related to https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-specs/issues/34. IMHO, we should can also implement a defacto discoverable out-of-the-process exporter. Then, if the user is having a problem and hadn't linked an exporter in their service,...