rtorrent copied to clipboard
Iotop 99.99% on rtorrent process
Hi Rakshasa, Hi all
I like rtorrent ! and thank for your work but I have a problem.
after a few hours I lose the connection between my Rutorrent and my Rtorrent. I use the rtorrent rutorrent image of binhex : https://github.com/binhex/arch-rtorrentvpn
the server is at home. Dual xeon E5-2630 / 128 gb of ram. OpenMediaVault: Debian 4.19.118-2+deb10u1 mergerfs version: 2.28.3 FUSE library version: 2.9.7-mergerfs_2.29.0 fusermount version: 2.9.9 using FUSE kernel interface version 7.29
few torrent under 100
I am a beginner.
1 / I search and I see in IOTOP 99,99% usage for rtorrent but no or poor disk usage.
2 / I'm on a mergerfs. I remove direct io option like in the faq of mergerfs. I have only this option : use_ino,dropcacheonclose=true,allow_other with the policy most free space.
3/ I try https://github.com/rfjakob/mmapwrite for some time and I don' t see hang or problem. I see a lot of line with 5160 MB/s
4/ I try to use strace but the output is not for beginner...
5/ all disk smart are clean
6/ I'm lost.
Anyone have an idea to help me?
rt and fuse do not mix. change to a hierarchical setup for hot items in case you cannot avoid it for the bulk of the data at any cost.
hi pyro. sorry for my ignorance, but what you do mean by a hierarchical setup? do you mean long term storage on fuse and new and actively seeding on direct?
@revers59 did you solve this? I use mergerfs and I didn't come upon any problem