ObservableFlow copied to clipboard
Functional Constructs for Databinding + Kotlin + RxJava
Pt 1/3
Pt 2/3: Stepper Indicator
Pt 3/3: SugarPreferences
Functional Kotlin constructs like map(), filter() and 12 more functions built for Android Data Binding library + RxJava 2 support. Check out the release apk here.
// tiny preview
val source = ObservableField("source")
val dest = source.filter { it.startsWith('s') }
.map { it.capitalize() }
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In your global build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Include any one of these in your app build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.rakshakhegde.ObservableFlow:observableflow:0.1-alpha'
(or, if you need RxJava 2 support. This includes the above ObservableFlow core library.)
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.rakshakhegde.ObservableFlow:rxdatabinding:0.1-alpha'
I personally find writing code in a functional way just makes my logic neatly encapsulated and broken up into simple parts. So I built these functional constructs as a part of my other projects where I use DataBinding and Kotlin (which is almost always), that kinda emulates RxJava's map and filter which I loved and used a lot, but for ObservableFields. So now I've open sourced it hoping others might find it useful too. Cheers :)
By the way, if you like my work please show some :heart: and star this project above
Here are all the functions and extension functions for ObservableFields. Even though I've attempted to document how to use all the functional statements, the best source of documentation are the tests themselves. Here I'll just show the function prototype and code snippet in pairs. Hopefully meaning of the code becomes immediately apparent.
al text: ObservableField<String> = ObservableField("Hello World") al textLength = text.map { it.length }
nline fun <T, R> ObservableField<T>.map( dstObsrv: ObservableField<R> = ObservableField(), crossinline f: (T) -> R : ObservableField<R>
vararg map
al totalLength = map(text1, text2) { text1.get().length + text2.get().length
nline fun <T> map(vararg sources: Observable, crossinline onChange: () -> T): ObservableField<T>
al evenLengthTextOnly = text.filter { it.length % 2 == 0 }
nline fun <T> ObservableField<T>.filter( defaultVal: T? = null, crossinline predicate: (T) -> Boolean : ObservableField<T>
ext.onPropertyChanged { // block executed for every subsequent property change val newVal = get() println("text changed to $newVal")
nline fun <T : Observable> T.onPropertyChanged(crossinline listener: T.(propertyId: Int) -> Unit): Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback
vararg onPropertyChanged
nPropertyChanged(text1, text2) { performAction(text1.get(), text2.get())
nline fun onPropertyChanged(vararg sources: Observable, crossinline onChange: () -> Unit): List<Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback>
ext.bind { // block executed immediately and for every subsequent property change val newVal = get() println("text changed to $newVal")
nline fun <T : Observable> T.bind( crossinline listener: T.(Int) -> Unit : Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback
vararg bind
ind(text1, text2) { println(text1.get() + text2.get())
nline fun bind(vararg sources: Observable, crossinline onChange: () -> Unit): List<Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback>
al observableInts = observableListOf(5, 6, 7, 9) // Int type inferred
un <T> observableListOf(vararg items: T): ObservableArrayList<T>
bservableInts.bindToList { // block executed immediately and everytime anything changes in the list forEach { item -> performActionOn(item) }
nline fun <T, S : ObservableList<T>> S.bindToList(crossinline listener: S.() -> Unit): ObservableList.OnListChangedCallback<S>
bservableInts.onListChanged { // block executed everytime anything changes in the list forEach { item -> performActionOn(item) }
nline fun <T, S : ObservableList<T>> S.onListChanged(crossinline listener: S.() -> Unit): ObservableList.OnListChangedCallback<S>
al nameObservable = ObservableField("First") ameObservable.rx() .subscribe(onNext)
un <T> ObservableField<T>.rx(): Observable<T>
toField -
s the RxJava Observable so that when the last propertyChangedCallback is removed, the Observable is also finishedal dest = Observable.create<String> { emitter = it } .toField()
un <T> Observable<T>.toField(defaultVal: T? = null): RxObservableField<T>
xOnPropertyChange(src1, src2, src3) .map { src1.get() + src2.get() + src3.get() } .subscribe(onNext)
un rxOnPropertyChange(vararg observables: android.databinding.Observable): io.reactivex.Observable<Int>
xBind(src1, src2, src3) .map { src1.get() + src2.get() + src3.get() } .subscribe(onNext)
un rxBind(vararg observables: android.databinding.Observable): io.reactivex.Observable<Int>
- There are no extension functions for all the other primitive Observables, like
, etc. because I didn't find these optimisations worthwhile to write code and tests for. So I just useObservableField<Int>
, etc even for Android projects and they are auto-boxed, well, automatically. - For the RxJava toField() binding, it was initially non-explicitly-writable, i.e., set() function was made useless and deprecated, so as to avoid side-effects, one of guiding principles of Functional Programming. But I once found myself desperately needing to change the value of that ObservableField imperatively. So I have reverted it back to a normal ObservableField whose value can be imperatively mutated anywhere in your code. But just don't go bonkers using this side-effect. Try and use it functionally as much as possible (:
Created & Maintained By
Rakshak R.Hegde (@rakshakhegde) Wanna contribute to this project? Pull requests welcome ❤️
Note: This project is a part of an ongoing series of open-source projects I'm working on. If you liked my work, please consider following me on Twitter @rakshakhegde and Github. Also please share this project with fellow developers. I'm also starting a newsletter of my own called rakshakhegde 📧. It would be great if you could fill in your email address and subscribe to my new project announcements, releases or blog posts. Subscribe here :)
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