grawler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
grawler copied to clipboard

A web crawler / scraper engine written in Golang


A Go scraper inspired by Python's Scrapy (

This repository is still a work in progress


  1. Better logging
  2. Exporting scraped content to JSON, XML or other formats
  3. Web Interface for viewing jobs / creating dynamic scrapers
  4. Sitemap spider
  5. Tests

Example Code

package main

import (


func parseHandler(response *goscrape.Response) goscrape.ParseResult {
	if !strings.Contains(response.URL, "category") {
		return goscrape.ParseResult{}

	xpath, err := extract.NewXPath(response.Content)
	nodes, err := xpath.Extract("//ul[@class=\"list-thumb-right\"]/li/a[position()=1]/@href")
	urls, err := processors.GetLinks(nodes)

	// css, err := extract.NewCss(response.Content)
	// selection, err := css.Extract("ul.list-thumb-right > li > a")
	// urls, err := processors.GetLinks(selection)

	if err != nil {
		panic("Could not parse Xpath")

	log.Println("Processing URL: " + response.URL)

	for i, url := range urls {
		urls[i] = "" + url

	result := goscrape.ParseResult{
		Urls: urls,
	return result

func itemHandler(item goscrape.ParseItem) {

func main() {
	startUrls := []string{

	configs := goscrape.Configs{
		StartUrls:    startUrls,
		WorkersCount: 3,

	spider := goscrape.NewSpider(&configs, parseHandler, itemHandler)