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MyServer is your own localhost web server. you can setup PHP, Apache, Nginx and MySQL servers on your android devices or linux like Ubuntu etc. MyServer is Developed for android terminal like Termux o...

Results 10 MyServer issues
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can i run without termux ? only use android shell

When `install`, I got this errror > NameError: name 'bpath' is not defined Can you help me fix this? ![image](

[Warning] Aborted connection 11 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'unauthenticated' host: 'localhost' (This connection closed normally without authentication)

![Screenshot_2022-10-17-23-17-39-494_com termux]( Any idea how to solves this?, I've been tring to find out what might cause this, I've restarted even changed several setting for the server but the problem...