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iOS App execution error
Could not find a device with a UDID or name matching 'PCal- (0.0)' (ArgumentError)
Not able to execute test in parallel for iOS device. Followed the instruction given on README.
Thanks for the help
This is caused by the depricstion of simulator checking in run-loop 2.1.0, not something that can be fixed by parallel tests. You can get the old functionality by downgrading to 2.0.9
Thanks @tk8817 Downgrading to 2.0.9 didn't worked out. Still same error.
Are you sure you downgraded? The only way to get that error is with run_loop 2.1.0 --(read the error carefully and you will see it says '2.1.0' explicitly)
When running your tests, put bundle exec before the run command, ensure you have removed 2.1.0 by doing 'bundle clean --force'
Yup rechecked every thing and not working for me
Hi Siddarth, you replied saying 'you still get the same error' but that is not possible because the error only exists when using 2.1.0
The possibilities are:
- you are getting a new different error. If so, please post it.
- you are still getting 2.1.0 loaded at runtime. If so, please understand the gem file does NOT determine what gets loaded at runtime in all cases. Ensure you have done a bundle clean --force and are using bundle exec before your launch commands.
Best, Justin.
Thanks Justin, Somehow it was using run_loop 2.1.0 after fix
getting runtime error for iOS
Config file ~/.parallel_calabash.iphoneos
Thanks for the help :)
Not Able to recognise the device ID
Your config file has a DEVICES clause with two phones listed, so you're trying to run with those two phones.
If none of the phones is attached, it should refuse to run because you've specified running on phones and accidentally running on simulators isn't equivalent to real device testing.
Because it says '1 devices found, { DEVICE_TARGET = nil, DEVICE_ENDPOINT = nil }' I'm guessing it's decided that neither of your phones is attached, but it isn't telling you that with a clear error message.
If you want to run against the phones, plug them in. If they are plugged in, then we'll need to work out why it can't see them.
If you want to run against simulators, comment out the DEVICES clause, as the comment immediately above the DEVICES line says: 'Omit devices entirely if you're only testing on simulators'.
Tim ( @sleekweasel ) ::
- Physical device are attached with network cable on mac machine, Enabled with Developer options (both are iPhone 6 ios version :: 9.2.0, 9.3.1).
- Pinged devices individually over terminal ( to verify devices are connected with same network )
- followed Set up steps for iOS on Parallel Clabash Readme
As per my understanding with your above comment.
- If you want to run against the phones, plug them in :: Phones are plugged in.
- Not testing on simulators
Still trying to figure out why it's not working.
Can you copy/paste the files involved, instead of posting screenshots? I don't want to have to type your files out again manually because that's error-prone.
I presume by 'network cable' you mean 'usb cable'.
Can you run 'instruments -s devices' and check they show up, and that the ids match? Post the results for the phones involved, please.
The error about 'eval expected } but received tFLOAT' says there's a typographic error in your config file. I can't see anything wrong, but if you could run 'ruby .parallel_calabash.iphoneos' and track that down, it would certainly help.