Could somebody guide me on how to work with outlier/influential points in the data? Since MMM is ultimately a linear regression model, it is quite susceptible to such data points...
Can someone please explain what is a good number for these metrics (if anything called be "good")? Also, how would I explain it to someone from the business side who...
I am using hill_adstock LMMM with weekly spend. I have some questions about it. Can someone knowledgeable please answer these? 1) The response curves that are returned, which half-saturation and...
Hello reader, I am curious about how people deal with this always-present problem. Is there a way to do Weighted/Generalized LS in LMMM?
Hi All, I have some questions about setting the media_priors. 1) Is there a way to change the default HalfNormal distribution to something else, say, Gamma? I ask because suppose...
Anyone tried using LMMM on the default dataset of Robyn (dt_simulated_weekly). I wanted to compare the results from LMMM and Robyn so I did. LMMM results seem reasonable at some...
Curious to know how users decided between the 3 variants! Often times the results are very different from the 3 models even when fitting on the same dataset. Thanks!