shrink_sidemenu_flutter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
shrink_sidemenu_flutter copied to clipboard

A Side Menu plugin for flutter and compatible with liquid ui for flutter

Results 16 shrink_sidemenu_flutter issues
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Hi, friends! My main page body is a SmartRefresher ( pull_to_refresh: ^2.0.0 ) with a child of ListView. When I use a SideMenu, the main page successfully changed to a...

It would be nice to blur the rest if the menu is opened

how to set the initial state of sidemenu as open. so that i dont need to click for it to open thanks!

Is it possible to add a shadow to the shrinked page? A border radius is possible, but a shadow would also be nice

While the side menu opened, Still I can do the actions like pressing button or editing text. How can I prevent that?