file-browser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
file-browser copied to clipboard

This is a File Browser single page application that uses Vue.js for the client side user interface and Hapi.js for the server-side running on top of Node.js. This app is intended to make it possible t...

FileBrowser SPA


This is a single page web app built with Vue.js and served by Hapi.js running on Node.js on the backend, intended to be used as a system file browser similar to Finder or Explorer. Some of the features of this file browser web app include:

  • Fast and reactive, powered by Vue.
  • Session/Cookie user authentication with Hapi.
  • Tested to work on both Windows and Linux environments.
  • Automatically scan system for local attached devices.
  • Save device locations to favorite with LocalStorage.
  • Support for image thumbnail with Sharp using data urls.
  • Fast app, cache and user data storage with Levelup.
  • Integrated TheMovieDb API support for renaming video files.
  • Batch operation on multiple selected files (Move/Delete).
  • Cleanup options for deleting or renaming multiple files at once.
  • Drag/drop multi-file upload to current selected location on a device.
  • Small footprint.


This app makes use of Async/Await on the backend which requires Node version 7.6+. Some of the other app dependencies requires compilers to build it's code (c++, gcc, msvs, etc) depending on your OS.

After cloning this, you should probably rename the example config file included and make any changes to it before moving on. Rename file /common/config.example.js to just /common/config.js.

Installing the dependencies and building the bundles after install.

# install everything
$ npm install

# build app bundles with webpack
$ npm run build

Managing user accounts used to access the app (authentication). This will run an included script used to manage user accounts. Follow the help message and use arguments as needed.

# get the default help output
$ npm run user

# list existing users
$ npm run user list

# add a new user to the list
$ npm run user create Bob l337p4$$

Running the app.

# start with node
$ npm run node

# start with nodemon
$ npm run nodemon

# start with pm2
$ npm run pm2


  • Write Tests
  • Add Night Mode


Rainner Lins: @raintek_


Licensed under MIT.