robotframework-SikuliLibrary copied to clipboard
Wait For Image - ignore @notWantedImage
Using the keyword "Wait For Image" doesn't achieve what is it supposed to do. It ignores the image defined in @notWantedImage
made the same Keyword using exist and that works - doesnt have timeout :-( ` Image Not Visible
[Arguments] ${yesImage} ${noImage} ${timeout}
Sleep ${timeout}
${isExist} = Exists ${yesImage}
${isNotExist} = Exists ${noImage}
Should Be True ${isExist}
Should Not Be True ${isNotExist}
Using robotframework-SikuliLibrary 1.0.8
@SudPiva , so in your environment, "wantedImage" and "notWantedImage" may exist at the same time, right?
I think "wantedImage" and "notWantedImage" are mutex each other, so when keyword find "wantedImage" and then return.
@SudPiva , so in your environment, "wantedImage" and "notWantedImage" may exist at the same time, right?
I think "wantedImage" and "notWantedImage" are mutex each other, so when keyword find "wantedImage" and then return.
yes thay may exist at the same time. I was not sure from the description of that keyword if it supposed to work like that or not. So I guess to close this, if this is the wanted behavior.
I think it should throw exception if there are "wantedImage" and "notWantedImage" found at the same time.
Could check if notWantedMatch == null before returning if wantedMatch is found. ...
if (wantedMatch != null && notWantedMatch == null) {
Similar fix should also be added to keyword "Wait For Multiple Images"