Hi @2h4dl, would you mind uploading the model so I can check it to solve the problem?
Hi @MengDebin18, I tested it locally without errors. Seems this problem is relevant to the _global variable define_ , and have you modified the generated code?
Hi @IvyGongoogle , probably the 'mean' node is not at the position `self.get_parent(source_node.name, [3, 0], True)`. Please add ` if mean is None: mean = self.get_parent(source_node.name, [3])` after https://github.com/Microsoft/MMdnn/blob/master/mmdnn/conversion/tensorflow/tensorflow_parser.py#L709 to...
Maybe change [this line](https://github.com/microsoft/MMdnn/blob/master/mmdnn/conversion/pytorch/pytorch_graph.py#L118) to `dummy_input = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(shape), requires_grad=False).cuda()` would help. Thanks!
Hi @Simplesss , please change the running script to mmconvert -sf tensorflow **-iw** ~/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow-TCDCN/pretrained/frozen_model.pb --inNodeName Placeholder Placeholder_6 --inputShape 1,40,40,3 1 --dstNodeName add_5 add_6 add_7 add_8 add_9 -df caffe -om tf_tensorflow...
Hi @Simplesss , I tried but it works ok except that it does not support [floor] op. Maybe you can downgrade your tensorflow to 1.10.0? For the [floor] op, you...
Hi @memoiry, could you please provide your model so that we can check this op. Thanks!
Hi @thefiddler, there are a few unimplemented ops, including [Ceil], [Round] and [ResizeBicubic], which caused this error. But it seems that the model you provided is more like a preprocessing...
Emm, so MMdnn does not support it. Maybe you can write code manually to implement preprocessing.
Hi @guesalomon, could you provide your model so I can add the [PRelu] Op and test the accuracy? Thanks