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An IBAN account numbers and BIC validation tool for Elixir.

Bankster Build Status

An easy to use Elixir validator for IBAN account and BIC numbers. It includes IBAN rules for 115 countries and validation for BIC numbers.

  • IBAN validation is done using format, country, length and checksum.
  • BIC validation is done using format.


The package can be installed as Hex package:

  1. Add bankster to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:bankster, "~> 0.3.2"}]
  1. Run mix deps.get to fetch the package from hex


Validate IBANs

You can either use Bankster.iban_valid?/1 or Bankster.Iban.valid?/1 to validate IBANs.

iex> Bankster.iban_valid?("NOTVALID")

iex> Bankster.Iban.valid?("NOTVALID")

Validation with errors

Beside the boolean validation function, Bankster offers a validation function which returns the corresponding error. Like the other validation, you can use Bankster.iban_validate/1 or Bankster.Iban.validate/1 to validate IBANs.

iex> Bankster.iban_validate("NOTVALID")
{:error, :invalid_country}

iex> Bankster.Iban.validate("DK8387188644726815223423423423423423423")
{:error, :invalid_length}

iex> Bankster.Iban.validate("DK83 8718 8644 7268 15")
{:ok, "DK8387188644726815"}

Validate BICs

Validating BICs works the same way as already shown for IBANs. So you can either use Bankster.bic_valid?/1 or Bankster.Bic.valid?/1 to validate BICs.

iex> Bankster.bic_valid?("NOTVALID")

iex> Bankster.Bic.valid?("NOTVALID")


Bankster source code is released under MIT License. Check LICENSE file for more information.