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Tampa, Fl Oct 21 & 22 Rails Workshop at Harbr Co
This workshop's going to be amazing!! Here's what we need to do!
A few months out:
- [x] ~~Pick a curriculum~~ (_Rails_, Front End, JavaScript, Ruby)
- [x] ~~Find a venue and sponsor for the workshop.~~ (_Harbr_)
- [ ] Find ~~two~~ one more co-organizer~~s~~. It's a lot of work, but always a lot of fun. No experience is necessary; checkout the workshop cookbook if it's new to you. (Also, we match up first time organizers with mentors.) @JarangoYbor
- [x] ~~Read through the Fundraising and Accounting Docs~~
Leave a comment below if you're able to host, sponsor or organize! :smile_cat:
Once we have a venue, sponsors, and organizers, we can:
- [x] ~~Work together to set an RSVP limit that works for everyone~~ _40_
- [ ] Post the workshop to Bridge Troll
Two to four weeks out, we can:
- [ ] Plan a teacher training
- [ ] Order breakfast
- [ ] Order lunch
- [ ] Find a good place for the afterparty
After the workshop, we can:
- [ ] Party! :tada:
- [ ] Retro
I'm not sure what the official process is for assigning mentors, but until I figure that out, I'm happy to help answer any questions / point you in the right direction! I'm the organizer for RailsBridge Savannah where we've put on 16-ish workshops.
Feel free to comment here, or email me: [email protected].
@kplawver do you mind if we put Savannah as the sponsoring group in BridgeTroll?
@kplawver actually nevermind I see how to create an issue to get our own chapter.
@twinn San Francisco can also be a mentor. and the RailsBridge board can help. Let me know if you would like to find a time to schedule a hangout and we can go over some general new chapter things