organizing copied to clipboard
July 24 & 25 Triangle Intro to Rails event
Hello! Our last event went great and we have just confirmed the location for our second RailsBridge event in the Triangle for Friday, July 24 and Saturday, July 25 at the American Underground classroom at the American Tobacco Campus here in Durham, NC.
We have already made an event on BridgeTroll. Let us know if there is anything we need to do to get it confirmed.
Also here's our todo list:
Month or two before
- [x] Find event location
- [ ] Reach out to sponsors
- [ ] Recruit volunteers to TA
- [ ] Reach out to potential MCs
Once event location is finalized
- [x] Post event on BridgeTroll
- [x] Make issue on the organizing repo
- [ ] Update site
- [ ] Create Meetup event
- [ ] Tweet about it
- [ ] Scope out after-party locations
- [ ] Get people to give talks
Two weeks before
- [ ] Arrange catering :pizza:
- [ ] Arrange childcare :baby:
- [ ] Make after-party reservations :tada:
- [ ] Confirm with venue
- [ ] Send out email reminding people about the event
- [ ] Remind TAs to review the curriculum
One week before
- [ ] Make sure you have all the necessary objects
- [ ] Nametags :name_badge:
- [ ] Extension cords :electric_plug:
- [ ] Flash drives :floppy_disk:
- [ ] Stickers! :stars: :rainbow:
- [ ] Projector :movie_camera:
- [ ] Signs: wifi password, hashtag (#railsbridge), check-in here, bathroom location :restroom:
- [ ] Make sure all talk slides are up on the site
After the event
- [ ] Party :tada:
- [ ] Retrospective
Thanks! :sparkles: :sparkling_heart: