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Spring ignores ~/.irbrc and ./.rbenv-vars

Open exchgr opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

Whether I run rails c (with spring binstubs installed) or bundle exec rails c, the console successfully connects to spring. However, it fails to load ~/.irbrc (wherein I enable command history) or ./.rbenv-vars (wherein I set an alternate Gemfile using the BUNDLE_GEMFILE variable).

This causes a few problems. In my alternate Gemfile, I specify gems that the rest of the team I work with wouldn't want cluttering up their machines, such as rb-readline, which fixes a number of issues with vim keybindings on the command line. I also use Fuubar, an alternate rspec formatter, and running rspec through spring fails to load it. Not to mention the issue with command history, which is to say that I have none.

exchgr avatar Jan 15 '15 16:01 exchgr