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Deprecate implicit convertion of Duration

Open skipkayhil opened this issue 1 year ago • 7 comments


The presence of method_missing on Duration can lead to some very confusing behavior:

1.year.days # => 31556952 Days

Methods to convert from duration to a specific unit were added in 7bd9603778c059d8f0969feaadb26672534dbece and a2535d9fe91f58aafc7206a8a51dd29a06ecbf61, but the confusing methods they were meant to replace were left in.

This change fixes this by deprecating method_missing and reimplementing or explicitly delegating methods that make sense to keep.

In addition, there are some other methods on Duration like * that result in unintuitive behavior. Specific cases in those methods (Duration * Duration) have also been deprecated.

1.day * 2.days # => 172800 days

Fixes #45433

skipkayhil avatar Jun 23 '22 00:06 skipkayhil

These methods are the most egregiously confusing, but I wonder if we should go further, and deprecate the method_missing entirely, carving out an explicit delegation for any specific methods we think are worth keeping. I'm inclined to claim that any time a duration silently acts like an integer is similarly surprising.

matthewd avatar Jun 23 '22 09:06 matthewd

I had that thought as well. Just running Active Support tests the following methods are used:

abs is used when finding time zones, but it could easily be rewritten to not conflate Numeric and Duration: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/lib/active_support/values/time_zone.rb#L242-L245

in_milliseconds is defined on the numeric/time core_ext (should it be moved into Duration?): https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/numeric/time.rb#L63-L65

to_f is used to normalize the expires_at param in the cache: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/lib/active_support/cache.rb#L958

times is one of the weirdest, but its also specifically tested for: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/test/core_ext/duration_test.rb#L346-L352

zero? is used in calculating message expiry but that's pretty easy to change to use in_seconds: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/lib/active_support/messages/metadata.rb#L35

but its also tested explicitly: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/b55e8347485e3d8d75b3b5901c2faa3e05c4ebe3/activesupport/test/core_ext/duration_test.rb#L373

I think in_milliseconds and to_f may be worth keeping with an explicit delegation but the rest are not. How does that sound?

skipkayhil avatar Jun 23 '22 14:06 skipkayhil

abs and zero? both sound reasonable to me too: a duration isn't an integer, but is (loosely, though not literally) numeric, so it has the concept of a "zero" value, and of being positive/negative.

That times test just sounds like it's an arbitrary choice of delegated method, not an affirmative expectation that a duration is countable (which goes to the idea that it's the bad sort of method: unlike the above that [can] treat the duration as a self-defining quantity, times is treating it as a count of seconds.

Given it's always been a full delegation, we'll probably need to go through the full list of methods on Integer... there's no historical reason this class would have comprehensive test coverage of its API.

matthewd avatar Jun 23 '22 17:06 matthewd

I spotted this like a month ago and should have done something about it. I don't understand the purpose of the method_missing. I feel like it only causes problems.


natematykiewicz avatar Jun 27 '22 03:06 natematykiewicz

Also, I was never able to track down when it was added. All I know is it's at least 15 years old and was added when the repo was SVN. Here's the oldest git commit I could find with the method missing in it.


natematykiewicz avatar Jun 27 '22 03:06 natematykiewicz

@matthewd updated to implement all of the methods we discussed, I still need to write more tests and documentation but figured I'd ask for another round of feedback first

Also, I was never able to track down when it was added. All I know is it's at least 15 years old and was added when the repo was SVN. Here's the oldest git commit I could find with the method missing in it.


@natematykiewicz It looks to be part of the original implementation when Duration was added in 276c9f29cde80fafa23814b0039f67504255e0fd. My understanding is that since 1.days and friends previously returned integers, method_missing was chosen at the time to reduce the friction of that change.

skipkayhil avatar Jun 29 '22 03:06 skipkayhil

@skipkayhil Ahh, that makes sense. But nowadays there's no real expectation that it's numeric, so the method_missing can do a deprecation cycle and eventually get removed. Nice!

natematykiewicz avatar Jun 29 '22 03:06 natematykiewicz

Finally got back around to this, updated to add more deprecations and tests for the new methods.

I think *(Duration) is silently treating other as Just A Number, so should probably be deprecated too.

Based on this comment, I thought more about what other operations don't make sense without implicit conversion and added deprecations for the following:

  • comparing Durations and Numerics (5 > 2.seconds)
  • adding/subtracting Durations and Numerics (5 + 2.seconds)
  • dividing a Numeric by a Duration (3 / 2.seconds)
  • Numeric % Duration (3 % 2.seconds)
  • Duration * Duration (3.seconds * 2.seconds)
  • Duration#is_a? returning true for value's class
  • Duration#instance_of? returning true for value's class
  • equality of Duration and Numeric (1.minute == 60)

Something I'm not entirely sure what to do with is % and related methods (modulo, divmod). % currently always implicitly treats the caller as a number of seconds:

5.minutes % 120 # => 1.minute
7.seconds % 3.seconds # => 1.second

7.minutes % 3 # => 0 
# because 420 seconds is divisible by 3

Should Duration % Numeric just be deprecated? Or maybe we try to fix it so 7.minutes % 3 # => 1.minute? I've thought about this for a bit but definitely need to think some more.

skipkayhil avatar Oct 02 '22 05:10 skipkayhil