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jbuilder_cache_multi still needed when using Rails 5?
The README mentions that
If you are rendering fragments for a collection of objects, have a look at
gem. It uses fetch_multi (>= Rails 4.1) to fetch multiple keys at once.
but it also mentions that
Fragment caching is supported, it uses
and works like caching in HTML templates
Does that mean enhancements in Rails 5 for collection caching (article here) also hold true for jbuilder?
If so, can the documentation be updated? I'd send a PR, but first I wanna make sure this is indeed the case.
I'm just not sure because I don't think I understand the cache!
implementation of this gem exactly and "works like" does not imply "uses the same code as".
I also am unclear on what the status of this is
I'm using Rails with the latest version of jbuilder. Here is a nested partial setup I have that seems to be working as you'd expect with russian doll caching.
json with array of schedules that have stages, shows and artists. note some of this is pseudo code as i don't want to post everything in my partials :)
json.schedules do
json.array! schedules.collect do |schedule|
json.name schedule.name
json.stages do
json.array! schedule.shows.collect do |stage|
json.name stage.name
json.cache! ['v1', schedule.name, stage.name, stage.shows] do
json.shows stage.shows, partial: 'api/v1/shows/show', as: :show
Show/Event partial: 'api/v1/shows/show'
json.id show.id
json.name show.name
json.cache! ['v1', show.artists] do
json.artists show.artists, partial: 'api/v1/festival_artists/artist', as: :artist, cache: true
and then the last partial - artist partial
json.cache! ['v1', artist] do
json.name artist.name
json.id artist.id
After initial fragments have been written, subsequent read request looks like this
Read fragment jbuilder/views/v1/10/10/2017/Watch Floor Stage/shows/query-efb697c6d987d38256e6a96c19c35df9-7-20170418202217000000/9b35779922b3d39167ad234882c64e00 (1.5ms)
Read fragment jbuilder/views/v1/10/10/2017/Linen Bell Stage/shows/query-869ecd8ef046e3a9ac1582012b232bea-7-20170418202217000000/9b35779922b3d39167ad234882c64e00 (1.3ms)
Read fragment jbuilder/views/v1/10/10/2017/Canvas Chief Stage/shows/query-5f2d399c86c0c9ec582bbcb12112784a-7-20170412212735000000/9b35779922b3d39167ad234882c64e00 (1.5ms)
Read fragment jbuilder/views/v1/10/10/2017/Bulb Language Stage/shows/query-2aa6eba13075cb9df543d2c60713f200-7-20170418202217000000/9b35779922b3d39167ad234882c64e00 (1.4ms)
Thanks for your code, @mdoyle13!
Btw, I think Rails 5 is unrelated to using jbuilder_fetch_multi
, but I'm wondering now that jbuilder only supports Rails 4.2+ and fetch_multi
is available since 4.1, maybe the gem can be folded into this one?