active_model_serializers copied to clipboard
Impossible to avoid transformation of one particular key in JSONAPI adapter
AMS: 0.10.4
Expected behavior vs actual behavior
At work, one endpoint accepts an attribute called metadata
inside attributes
, a freeform hash that clients send us. We want it to be returned exactly as it was sent.
Given the attribute sent is data.attributes.metadata: {"order_id": 123}
then the response is data.attributes.metadata: {"order-id": 123}
(note the hyphen)
and it cannot be configured.
Given the attribute sent is data.attributes.metadata: {"order_id": 123}
then the response should be data.attributes.metadata: {"order_id": 123}
when I configure AMS to ignore data.attributes.metadata
Additonal helpful information
- I'm looking at CaseTransform gem and it's convoluted. For instance, has the same operation duplicated over and over again. We'd have to refactor that a bit to make it work.
@kurko would be fair to say that
Given the attribute sent is data.attributes.metadata: {"order_id": 123},
That AMS shouldn't necessarily process the attribute values when they are 'objects' i.e. hashes.
So that
user =, first_name: 'Benjamin', metadata: {order_id: 123})
should be serialized as
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "users",
"attributes": {
"first-name": "Benjamin",
"metadata": { "order_id": 123 }
Where the first_name
attribute is subject to case transform, but no operations are performed on {order_id: 123}
, including not making 123
a string.
Does that seem right?
Also, I want to note that the transformation boundary is in the adapter serializable_hash method as self.class.transform_key_casing!(document, instance_options)
where document is a hash
Not exactly, @bf4. For instance, we return an attribute called properties
which is a hash and contains freeform as well (e.g could be credit card or bank account, so attributes vary), but we want it to be dasherized regularly.
tl;dr Hashes should be transformed by default, except when we specifically don't want it to.
attributes :etc
attribute :attribute_one # dasherized by default
attribute :metadata, key_transformation: :some_method
# attribute :metadata, key_transformation: :unaltered
def some_method(attr)
# Here we fallback to Ruby. I can just do the following and no
# transformation will be applied. If I want some different transformation,
# I can do CaseTransform.camelCase myself.
With the example above, there's no need to support a list of possibilities in key_transformation
. Code tree has 2 paths (either transforms normally (1) or call a custom method(2)). In the NOT
example, there would be a list of if
s to whitelist the transformations we accept, making code longer to maintain.
@kurko I think for that level of customization, @beauby jsonapi-rb gems may be better suited to your needs.
AMS's api is all over the place atm -- it's currently trying to be cleaned up rather than adding features.
I agree with api is all over the place
. We're on the same page on that.
Adding such a basic a feature is an opportunity to step into code and clean it up. We can't add this option without changing a lot of the code. Opportunity.
I think the serializer is a pipeline and users should be able to just plug in their own code along the pipeline. This feature does not deviate from that, we're not adding edge cases, we're opening so users can add their own. The problem is when we try to jam in stuff that shouldn't be in this gem anyway.
I think a really good opportunity would be to have AMS's JSON API feature's backed by @beauby's jsonapi-rb gems.
On my todo, but I've gotten busy again :-(
but yeah, using jsonapi-rb would allow very customizable searializers and deserializers and would let you/us/we/pronoun get the functionality you need.
imo, I think AMS is kiiiinda heading towards just being an abstraction and convenience layer on top of other gems.... just gotta find time. haha. :-(
key_transformation: :some_method
I think that's a good option to pass in. Only question is how it would propagate.
Right now we key transform the full document. I think it might be easier to do this If we did key transform each resource / relationship / included resource when first serialized in the adapter. Arguably, it's actually a serializer concern. My work on better separating model instance + serializer -> hash with desired attributes
from build a document composed of serialized resources and other options in such and such a way
, this will be easier.
(if anyone wants to review and help me bring it home, that'd be great. )
This is how I fix this issue
data =,
serializer: CustomerSerializer,
key_transform: :underscore)
render json: data.serializable_hash
The other way to do that:
ActiveModel::Serializer.config.adapter = ActiveModelSerializers::Adapter::JsonApi
ActiveModel::Serializer.config.key_transform = :underscore
@hoahm your approach changes the transformation of all keys. Here, I'm interested in 1 key being transformed differently from other keys.
I'd recommend the unaltered key_transform, if you need keys of different casings.
@bf4 with merged, what else do you think is needed to have a per-key transformation instead of whole document?
I know we plan to have AMS being more abstract, as pointed out by @NullVoxPopuli, but I will need to expose this untransformed key in my app. Timeline is probably 2 or 3 months (for now I'll keep it with dashes for internal use).
Do you have any idea how much effort would it take (long time without seeing the codebase)? I can work on a PR to add this functionality, but it seems to me that if the document keys are being transform in one go, it'll require a lot of work to make it recursively transform keys one my one. Ideas?
I've met with the problem that is discussed here: I need to pass a field with json value as an attributed of serialized resource, but internal keys of the jsonb value are transformed together with the whole jsonapi document.
do you know a possible solution for the issue described here?