Android-Paging copied to clipboard
A sample application built to demonstrate use of Android Paging library made in Kotlin using tools like MVVM, Coroutines, Room, Retrofit, Mockito, Dagger, LiveData.
A sample application built to demonstrate use of Android Paging library made in Kotlin using tools like MVVM, Coroutines, Room, Retrofit, Mockito, Dagger, LiveData.
Application loads Users data from Req|Res API and stores in local database. Data is always displayed using Single Source of Truth principle which is SQLIte Database.
Tools Used
- Kotlin - Language for official Android Development.
- Dagger2 - Used for Dependency Injection.
- Retrofit - Used to make easier Network API calls.
- Coroutines - For managing long running or network tasks off the main thread.
- GSON - A converter for JSON Serialization.
- Coil-Kt - An image loading library made in Kotlin Coroutines.
- LiveData - Objects which can be observed by UI about changes.
- ViewModel - Stores and manages UI related data in a lifecycle aware way.
- Paging - Used to display data in list in Paginated form.
- Room - Used for persistent storage in Android.