pyropatch copied to clipboard
An advanced monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram. Docs :
An advanced monkeypatcher add-on for Pyrogram
Install pyropatch with pip
pip install pyropatch
All patches
- Command Handler
- Flood Handler
- Listen
from pyropatch import pyropatch #apply all patches
from pyrogram import Client
app = Client(...)
Command Handler
from pyropatch import command_handler #apply command handler
from pyrogram import Client
app = Client(...)
#pass info along with commands in command filter
@app.on_message(filters.command(commands='start',info='Check Bot is Alive'))
# to set bot commands from the command available on bot
# to get all the commands available in bot
Flood Handler
from pyropatch import flood_handler #apply flood handler
from pyrogram import Client
app = Client(...)
# all floodwaits will automatically handled
app.send_message("me", "Flood handled with **Pyropatch**!")
from pyropatch import listen #apply listen
from pyrogram import Client
app = Client(...)
# listen for a message in a particular chat
m = app.listen_message(chat_id=chat_id, filters=filters, timeout=timeout)
# listen for a callback data in a particular message
u = app.listen_callback(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, filters=filters, timeout=timeout)
u = app.listen_callback(inline_message_id=inline_message_id, filters=filters, timout=timeout)
# listen for an inline query
u = app.listen_inline_query(user_id=user_id, filters=filters, timeout=timeout)
# listen for an inline result
u = app.listen_inline_result(user_id=user_id, filters=filters, timeout=timeout)