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react-native-rj-navigator copied to clipboard

A significantly better Navigator for React Native, allowing you to create NavigationItems from within the corresponding view.


npm version MIT


RJNavigator is a wrapper written on top of React Native's Navigator. RJNavigator passes the instance of itself to all the components being pushed on to it. This means, you have this.props.navigator in all the components to use.

You'll also need a navigation bar. I highly recommend using react-native-navbar with RJNavigator.



First of all, you need to require the following components.

var Navigator = require('react-native-rj-navigator').Navigator;
	// if you're using the navbar, you might need the following ones too
	NavBarButton = require('react-native-rj-navigator').NavBarButton,
    NavBarTitle = require('react-native-rj-navigator').NavBarTitle;

Creating the Navigator

This is how you would create a Navigator.

var RJNavigatorExample = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                initialRoute={{ component: RootView }} 

Pushing views on the navigation stack

You can push new components on the Navigator Stack using one of the following

                    component: ViewOne, 
                    props: {
                        text: 'This is the first view',
                        number: 100

/// OR

this.props.navigator.push( { component: <ViewTwo text={'This is the second view.'} /> });

These basics should get your started. Hopefully way faster than using React Native's Navigator.

If you need to look at a working example, check out the example in RJNavigatorExample directory.

Screenshots (of the example app)


Running the Example App

  1. Go to the example directory and run nam install.
  2. Open the RJNavigatorExample/ios/RJNavigatorExample.xcodeproj file to run it in Xcode.
  3. Run the file, the React Native Packager should run and the project should run in the iOS simulator.


If you have difficulties using this package, feel free to create an issue or letting me know via email or any other medium you can reach me with.

Feel absolutely free to improve this package by requesting new features, creating issues. Pull requests are the most welcome.