Rahul Bhargava

Results 73 issues of Rahul Bhargava

To make some technical decisions I think we need to more concretely design the primary use cases we have in mind so far. Here's my stab at a list, and...

I'm seeing a that stories from the LA Times have the content of the story repeated multiple times in the same story object in our database. This is a data...


A user found a story at one point, but when returning to their query later couldn't find the same one, so they emailed us. The story id in question is...


Like the other topic discovery plugins, we need to add a plugin for ingesting matching YouTube videos into a topic, extracting links from the description and/or comments, and saving it...


We've decided that we can retrieve a useful set of content from CrowdTangle, so we need to add a plugin that lets us discover and ingest content via their API...


We've come up with a short term idea for shifting the sitemap ingest process to researchers. The idea is that web-users could request a source's sitemaps be fetched (via [ultimate-sitemap-parser](https://github.com/berkmancenter/mediacloud-ultimate-sitemap-parser)),...


Capturing a request from researchers: for a story discovered on Reddit, they'd like to see which subreddits it was found in. From a system point of view, this means they...


This came up again with researchers - they want to know which platform a story was first found on in a topic. My old write-up: " We need to be...


@hroberts describes this as: "adding per platform post and author counts for multi-platform seeded content so you can sort stories in the topic by twitter, reddit, fb, etc share count"


Now that we have automated map generation, the next step is to make them more flexible. @hroberts describes this as: "adding generation options for these maps so that you can...
