Oh yeah that seems right. But for testing, would it be possible to compare the results of librosa and rosakit for the same audio file and configurational values?
Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Could you please help me with a problem I am facing with this, I am trying to get single 13 MFCC values for an...
Hi, Is this for the following functionalities? mfcc = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=y, sr=sr) mfcc_delta = librosa.feature.delta(mfcc, order=1) mfcc_delta2 = librosa.feature.delta(mfcc, order=2) for computing delta1 and delta2?
good to know, thanks.
@lamtev, I have a similar issue related to monoloader and auidoloader. After running - `./waf configure --cross-compile-ios --lightweight=libav,libsamplerate --fft=ACCELERATE --build-static --include-algos=FFT,FrameCutter,Windowing,Spectrum,MelBands,Magnitude,TriangularBands,MonoLoader,MFCC,AudioLoader ` the essentia.a file that I get produces some...
Hi @willrevl , the steps you've mentioned - ``` 1. Compile essentia ./waf configure --cross-compile-ios —lightweight=libav,libsamplerate --fft=ACCELERATE --build-static 2. Compile FFMPEG with libavresample 3. clone https://github.com/erikd/libsamplerate, drag files from source...
Hi, your work looks great. Thanks for that. But, would you like to describe how can I use this in my iOS project for calculating MFCC values of a local...
Hi @vaibhavtech1302, did you find a solution for your MFCC extraction problem? I am also looking for some helping code snippet or some guidance being new to this audio processing...
@leonid-s-usov, I need some help setting up this Objective-C++ wrapper to use Essentia library in my swift project. My main goal is to extract MFCC features out of a local...
Hi, were you able to run this program?