Dark-Vimwiki-Template copied to clipboard
HTML Templates for VimWiki Plugin for Vim
Dark Vimwiki HTML Template
This a dark themed template for Vimwiki. Vimwiki is a plugin for Vim useful for markdown style note making.
VIMRC Config :
The following is relevant portion of my .vimrc
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '$HOME/Documents/vim/wiki',
\ 'template_path': '$HOME/Documents/vim/wiki/templates',
\ 'template_default': 'def_template',
\ 'template_ext': '.html'}]
# add the pre tag for inserting code snippets
let g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags = 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr, pre, script'
Code Snippets :
It is possible to insert syntax highlighted code. This template makes use of a themed version of Google code Prettify. The following is a Vimwiki example for inserting a code snippet.
= Snippet Example =
<pre class ="prettyprint lang-cpp">
#include <iostream>
int main(void){
return 0;
Setup :
Refer to vimwiki documentation regarding templates, since it is very thoroughly dealt with there.
The Template def_template.html is present in the 'wiki/' folder. Ensure that it is copied to the location specified by the template path variable in your vimrc.
On running vimwiki2HTML, you will get the HTML pages generated in the 'wiki_html' folder present in your system . The file should be relative to your vimwiki path set in your vimrc.
Copy the files(css and js files) in the directory 'wiki_html' present in this repo, into 'wiki_html' files present in your system.