Enayet Raheem
Enayet Raheem
Can we mark it as a feature request, please? And thank you.
Connection ``` con = ibis.postgres.connect( user='XXX', password='XXX', host='XXX.redshift.amazonaws.com', port=5439, database='q_database', ) import ibis ibis.__version__ ``` '3.0.2' ``` ibis.options.interactive = True ibis.options.sql.default_limit = 100 ``` Define the condition table in `q_2021`...
@cpcloud Any suggestions please?
Upvoting. Thanks.
``` > devtools::session_info('bookdown') Session info ------------------------------------------------------------ setting value version R version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21) system x86_64, mingw32 ui RStudio (1.0.143) language (EN) collate English_United States.1252 tz America/New_York date 2017-06-27 Packages ----------------------------------------------------------------...
Thanks for the tip. I would believe this would solve the issue. Unfortunately, Bengali is not there under the Language for non-Unicode programs.
Totally understand. Thank you so much. For now I have to resort to LaTeX + Sweave for my upcoming project until that time when it will be easily accessible to...
You wouldn't believe that I started to post this exact feature request a few days ago and then decided not to post it :) I did solve it using pandas...
I was able to reproduce the issue and the following has solved it for now. `conda install nomkl` This has upgraded some packages including numpy ``` import numpy as np...
I think I've found the solution. On line 477 in `estimators.py` change from `columns=model.event_times_).T` to `columns=model.unique_times_).T` Is that correct?