nanopush icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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A tiny push notification app

nanopush Build Status

A tiny push notification app.


nanopush requires at least node v6.

npm install
cp .env .env.local
node generateKeys.js >> .env.local

Edit .env.local and fill in your email for SERVICE_OWNER_EMAIL. Then to start the app, run:

npm start


npm test


This needs to be deployed and proxied on https, or else the push API won't work. I suggest Caddy or nginx.

Once you have all that set up, you can start the app in production mode like so

# Set these environment variables how you like
export VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY={the public key you generated earlier in .env.local}
export VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY={the private key you generated earlier in .env.local}
export SERVICE_OWNER_EMAIL={your email}

export HOST= # Default:
export PORT=8080 # Default: 3000

node index.js

I use a pm2 config to keep the app always running.