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visualize_cam output array shape is not the same of input array shape
visualize_cam output array shape is not the same of input array shape. It gives me (224,3,3) as an output for (224,224,3) input shape. Any help ? Thanks in advanced.
for me visualize_cam is fine (224,224,3) to (224,224,3). But this command
jet_heatmap = np.uint8(cm.jet(grads)[..., :3] * 255)
gives me (224,224,3,3).
same problem here;
I plotted each of the 3 images (iterating the last index) in jet_heatmap; they seem to color different regions of the image. Not sure how to merge them.
ok, I found a workaround, you can directly plot the grads as a color map by the following :
grads = visualize_cam(model, layer_idx, filter_indices=20,seed_input=img, backprop_modifier=modifier)
# no need for this line
# jet_heatmap = np.uint8(cm.jet(grads)[..., :3] * 255)
# first plot the base img
# add gradient as overlay
ax.imshow(grads,cmap='jet', alpha = 0.6)
can someone help with this? I could find no examples in the documentation to generate guided grad_CAM as shown in the paper (with the point-wise multiplication of guided_back propagation and a bi-linear interpolated grad_CAM). It would be great if someone can answer this question, add this function to the toolkit or give the same here for instance.
I have noticed the output shape for visualize_cam is different for 0.41 version and for master.
with input_cam.shape
(544, 544, 3) this:
out_cam = visualize_cam(model = my_model,
layer_idx = my_layer_idx,
penultimate_layer_idx = my_penultimate_layer_idx,
use to output shape (544, 544, 3) on 0.41 but with the version from the master branch it outputs (544, 544)
I ended up adding
if len(out_cam.shape) == 2:
out_cam = (cm.jet(out_cam)[:,:,:-1]*255).astype(np.uint8) #to RGBA - A
to make the code compatible with bot 0.41 and posterior versions