Rafi Einstein
Rafi Einstein
@oshadmi It's not about valid JSON syntax but more about validating content of elements in the doc. Take a look [here](https://json-schema.org/). Also take a look [here](https://github.com/redislabsdev/Redis-Enterprise/blob/master/cnm/cnm/cluster_v2_schema.json) for how we use...
Can we please have `.spellcheck.yml` and `wordlist` placed in a `.github/workflows/spellcheck` directory instead of in the repo root? Thank you.
Hello @patrickcusack, Can you please attach your build commands? Thanks!
Introduced through another PR. Closing.
@chayim I'm afraid docker image will not reduce in size unless we squash via `docker build --squash`, which is an experimental docker daemon feature, but might be available on our...
@chayim I prefer to take the Buildah route (where you can cp, rm, and then commit).
Actually, when you go `make -C test TEST=basic_tests:test_run_script GEN=1 SLAVES=0 AOF=0`, the test fails too, but RLTests fails to report it.
PS `make -C opt test` should start its own redis-server via RLTest.
It is possible to diagnose this on the CircleCI machine, where it fails consistently. It's possible to get a SSH connection that's kept alive for a few hours.
Hello @CrazySky2121, Please use `docker run --rm -it redisfab/rejson:master-arm64v8-focal` as a workaround. We're working on making `redislabs/rejson` a multi-platform image.