Raffaele Mancuso

Results 141 issues of Raffaele Mancuso

Like the title, `pip install polyfuzz[sbert]` won't work with Python 3.12. I think it's because sentence-transformers require transformers

Does it support Jupyter Lab 4? because it is telling me that the extension is outdated: ``` ❯ jupyter-labextension list JupyterLab v4.0.5 [...] The following extensions are outdated: jupyterlab-flake8 Consider...

The current tray icon it's difficult to see in KDE: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/54762742/219693322-c704e532-7329-4dac-8d34-8835033abea3.png) Can we have the option to choose a dark tray icon?


1. Have a quite big remote folder, let's call it "A" 2. Start to sync it with maestral 3. While syncing, rename the folder on your local computer to "B"...


Installing maestral_qt with pip will create a desktop file under `$HOME/.local/share/applications/maestral.desktop`. This desktop file will contain `Exec=maestral_qt`. `maestral_qt` is installed under `$HOME/.local/bin`. This is not in standard `$PATH`. Adding `$HOME/.local/bin`...


I'm following the [documentation](https://wger.readthedocs.io/en/latest/development.html) to install wger locally. But the `wger bootstrap` command seems to require `yarn` and `sass` So, in that documentation page, we should advise the users to...

Would it be possible to implement profile renaming from GUI? I also tried changing the section name in `nvim ~/.config/onedrive-gui/profiles`, but it resynced the profile.


If I search for `ŧrans_breaks`, it lists the function of the package "scales": ![image](https://github.com/datacamp/rdocumentation-2.0/assets/54762742/f52eb962-3b75-4911-a3a1-b5262ebbf736) But when I click on that item, no function is listed: ![image](https://github.com/datacamp/rdocumentation-2.0/assets/54762742/1f81823b-84b5-4fde-8e8d-e21d77ed6894)

### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Current Behavior When I send line to terminal, with whatever command, for example...