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A laravel implementation of FFMPEG

Project Status

I regret to inform that I will not be updating Sonus any further. Unfortunately life has got in the way and I cannot dedicate the time for this project. There is a fork by closca here that supports Laravel 5. I will keep the Github page alive in case anyone needs to reference it.

Thank you to everyone who used this little project of mine!

Sonus (Laravel 4 Package)

Latest Stable Version Build Status Total Downloads ProjectStatus License

Sonus is a tool designed to leverage the power of Laravel 4 and ffmpeg to perform tasks such as:

  • Audio/Video conversion
  • Video thumbnail generation
  • Metadata manipulation

Quick Start


Update your composer.json file and add the following under the require key

"rafasamp/sonus": "dev-master"

Run the composer update command:

$ composer update

In your config/app.php add 'Rafasamp\Sonus\SonusServiceProvider' to the end of the $providers array

'providers' => array(



Still under config/app.php add 'Sonus' => 'Rafasamp\Sonus\Facade' to the $aliases array

'aliases' => array(

    'App'             => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
    'Artisan'         => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan',
    'Sonus'           => 'Rafasamp\Sonus\Facade',


Run the artisan command below to publish the configuration file

$ php artisan config:publish rafasamp/sonus

Navigate to app/config/packages/Rafasamp/Sonus/config.php and update all four parameters


Here is a simple example of a file being converted from FLAC to AAC:


Sonus can also convert video files:

Sonus::convert()->input('foo.avi')->bitrate(300, 'video')->output('bar.flv')->go();

Sonus can also return media information as an array or json


Sonus can also easily generate smart movie thumbnails like this

Sonus::getThumbnails('foo.mp4', 'foo-thumb' 5); // Yields 5 thumbnails

Although Sonus contains several preset parameters, you can also pass your own

Sonus::convert()->input('foo.flac')->output('bar.mp3')->go('-b:a 64k -ac 1');

Tracking progress

Make sure the progress and tmp_dir options are set correctly in the config.php file

'progress'      => true,
'tmp_dir'      => '/Applications/ffmpeg/tmp/'

Pass the progress method when initiating a conversion


Now you can write a controller action to return the progress for the job id you passed and call it using any flavor of JavaScript you like

public function getJobProgress($id)
    return Sonus::getProgress('uniqueid');

Security and Compatibility

Sonus uses PHP's shell_exec function to perform ffmpeg and ffprobe commands. This command is disabled if you are running PHP 5.3 or below and safe mode is enabled.

Please make sure that ffmpeg and ffprobe are at least the following versions:

  • ffmpeg: 2.1.*
  • ffprobe: 2.0.*

Also, remember that filepaths must be relative to the location of FFMPEG on your system. To ensure compatibility, it is good practice to pass the full path of the input and output files. Here's an example working in Laravel:

$file_in  = Input::file('audio')->getRealPath();
$file_out = '\path\to\my\file.mp3'; 

Lastly, Sonus will only convert to formats which ffmpeg supports. To check if your version of ffmpeg is configured to encode or decode a specific format you can run the following commands using php artisan tinker


To get a list of all supported formats you can run



Please make sure the following statements are true before opening an issue:

  1. I am able to access FFMPEG on terminal using the same path I defined in the Sonus configuration file

  2. I have checked the error logs for the webserver and found no FFMPEG output messages

Usually all concerns are taken care of by following these two steps. If you still find yourself having issues you can always open a trouble ticket.

Planned features

  • Support for filters
  • Setting metadata
  • Return meaningful error codes on exceptions


Sonus is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Aditional information

Any questions, feel free to contact me.

Any issues, please report here