Rafael Ríos Saavedra

Results 146 comments of Rafael Ríos Saavedra

M1 architecture is known to have issue when running AMD64 images. Please, take a look to this: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/issues/7305

Hi, Sorry, I have just updated the contributing guidelines because there was a note missing regarding splitting a PR if the changes affect several containers. Do you mind splitting this...

Hi, Thanks. Let's wait until they get reviewed and merged.

Hi, Could you indicate how have you installed the plugins ?. I would like to try to reproduce it. By the error message, it seems to be an issue with...

Hi, This container image is mainly used in our [jupyterhub chart](https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/master/bitnami/jupyterhub). If you want to run it in a docker compose, maybe you want to take a look to what...

Could you try the following ? ```console $ helm install mypostgres bitnami/postgresql --set auth.postgresPassword=test1 --set auth.database=bitnami_keycloak NAME: mypostgres LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Oct 18 12:44:57 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION:...

I am closing this issue. Please, if you encounter further problems don't hesitate to reopen this issue.

Hi, I was able to reproduce this issue compiling from source with python 3.8 and python 3.9, but it seems that when using python 3.10 it works. @PivovarA Could you...

Hi, From the docker info output, are you running this in an ARM machine ? ``` ... Kernel Version: 5.10.104-linuxkit Operating System: Docker Desktop OSType: linux Architecture: aarch64 ... ```

As you can see this run qemu, I not sure if you can run those qemu commands on ARM64 without issues. Could you give it a try on a AMD64...