neon copied to clipboard
Customizable coloscheme with dark and light options, vivid colors and easy on the eye.
The Ultimate Theme 🪐
✨ Features
- Customizable.
- Made to work with treesitter.
- Support for built-in LSP.
- Support for some of the most popular plugins.
- Soft contrast for eye protection.
- Multiple options to enable italic and bold text.
- Vivid colors.
- Neovim >= 5.0
NOTE: doesn't support Vim, it uses lua.
📦 Installation
Use your favorite plugin manager. Example packer:
use "rafamadriz/neon"
🚀 Usage
To set the theme you can use the following.
vim.cmd[[colorscheme neon]]
To see all the available options do :help neon-configuration
in Neovim
To enable the lualine theme, put this somewhere in your config:
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ... your lualine config
theme = 'neon'
-- ... your lualine config
⚙️ Configuration:
Note: the configuration options should be placed before
vim.cmd[[colorscheme neon]]
To see all the options from neovim, you can execute
:help neon.txt
Option | Default | Description |
neon_style |
"default" | There's three options to choose from, default , doom , dark and light |
neon_italic_comment |
true | Italic text for comments |
neon_italic_keyword |
false | Applies to conditionals and keywords like for , do , while , loops etc. |
neon_italic_boolean |
false | true and false |
neon_italic_function |
false | Applies to function (calls and definitions), method (calls and definitions) and built-in functions. |
neon_italic_variable |
false | Applies to variable names that are defined by the languages, like this or self . And any variable name that does not have another highlight group. |
neon_bold |
false | Applies to error and warning messages, functions (calls and definitions), lsp virtual text, etc. |
neon_transparent |
false | Applies no background color to certain highlight groups. |
Example config:
vim.g.neon_style = "default"
vim.g.neon_italic_keyword = true
vim.g.neon_italic_function = true
vim.g.neon_transparent = true
vim.cmd[[colorscheme neon]]
It doesn't work as expected.
This color scheme is mainly designed for true colors, make sure of setting:
vim.o.termguicolors = true
To test if your terminal supports true colors, use the following script.
This colorscheme is made to look good with treesitter, if you don't have it, it won't look the same as the screenshoots.
How to enable cursive italic keywords?
Install a font that supports italics, for example JetBrains-NerdFont is an excellent font.
Set the correct italic font for your terminal of choice.
Enable italic text. E.g.
vim.g.neon_italic_keyword = true
Supported plugins:
- nvim-treesitter
- nvim-tree
- trouble.nvim
- which-key.nvim
- nvim-dap
- lspsaga.nvim
- nvim-bufferline
- neogit
- gitsigns.nvim
- vim-gitgutter
- vim-signify
- vim-syntastic
- nerdtree
- ale
- vim-sneak
- indent-blankline
- vim-startify
- vim-easymotion
- coc.nvim
- Add transparent option.
- Add support for terminals (kitty, alacritty, etc.)