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Criteria4s is a simple domain-specific language (DSL) to define criteria and predicate expressions for any data stores by using Scala type class mechanisms in a type-safe way. It pretends to be agnost...

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Criteria4s is a simple domain-specific language (DSL) to define criteria and predicate expressions for any data stores by using Scala type class mechanisms in a type-safe way. It pretends to be agnostic to any data store, and it is extensible to support any kind of data stores.

Formal Definition of the Expressions

The formal definition of the Criteria4s' type-classes (expressions) is as follows:

Criteria    :=  Conjuction Criteria Criteria | Predicate | Value<Boolean>
Predicate   :=  UnaryPred Ref | BinaryPred Ref Ref
Ref         :=  Value<T> | Col
Conjuction  :=  AND | OR
UnaryPred   :=  IS_NULL | IS_NOT_NULL ...
BinaryPred  :=  EQ | NEQ | GT | LT | GEQ | LEQ | IN | LIKE ...


  • Criteria is the main expression of the DSL
  • Conjuction is the conjunction operator expression
  • UnaryPredOp is the unary predicate operator expression
  • BinaryPredOp is the binary predicate operator expression
  • Ref is a reference to a value or a column
  • Value<T> is a value expression of a certain type T
  • Col is a column expression

Getting Started

To use dsl of Criteria4s, you need to add the following dependency to your project:

SonaType Repository


libraryDependencies += "io.github.rafafrdz" %% "criteria4s-core" % "<version>" // Core library
libraryDependencies += "io.github.rafafrdz" %% "criteria4s-sql" % "<version>" // SQL implementation


<!-- Core library -->

<!-- SQL implementation -->

Criteria4s is a work in progress and it is not ready for production use. Also, it is just available for Scala 2.13.


Criteria4s is extensible to support any kind of data stores. Currently, it supports the following dialects:

Dialect Package Example
SQL sql -
MongoDB mongodb -
PostgresSQL postgresql -


Here, we will show some examples of how to use the Criteria DSL.

import io.github.rafafrdz.criteria4s.core._
import io.github.rafafrdz.criteria4s.examples.datastores._
import io.github.rafafrdz.criteria4s.extensions._
import io.github.rafafrdz.criteria4s.functions._

def ageCriteria[T <: CriteriaTag : GT : LT : AND : Sym]: Criteria[T] =
  (col[T]("age") gt lit(18)) and (col[T]("age") lt lit(65))

def expr[T <: CriteriaTag : LEQ : EQ : AND : OR : Sym]: Criteria[T] =
  (col[T]("a") leq lit(3)) and (col[T]("b") leq lit(4)) or (col[T]("c") === lit("c"))

def expr2[T <: CriteriaTag : EQ : Sym](fieldName: String, id: UUID): Criteria[T] =
  col[T](fieldName) === lit(id.toString)

And then we can use the ageCriteria, expr and expr2 functions to generate criteria expressions for different datastores:

// res: {left: {left: age, opt: >, right: 18 }, opt: AND, right: {left: age, opt: <, right: 65 } }

// res: ((a <<< '3') AND (b <<< '4')) OR (c = 'c')

expr2[Postgres]("USER_ID", UUID.randomUUID())
// res: `USER_ID` = '07715cee-5d87-427d-99a7-cc03f2b5ef4a'

Or maybe we can use the Criteria DSL inline:

(col[WeirdDatastore]("a") leq lit(3)) and (col[WeirdDatastore]("b") leq lit(4)) or (col[WeirdDatastore]("c") === lit("c"))
// res: {left: {left: {left: a, opt: <=, right: 3 }, opt: AND, right: {left: b, opt: <=, right: 4 } }, opt: OR, right: {left: c, opt: =, right: c } }

You can find more examples in the criteria4s-examples module.