Rafael Sá Menezes
Rafael Sá Menezes
Some extra info. The crash happens due to an index simplification. ``` Computing index typecast * from : div * side_1 : mul * side_1 : constant_int * value :...
> This not so strange. It is happening since at least https://github.com/esbmc/esbmc/pull/1184 since the number of bits of a byte-sized quantity that needs 64 bits to represent is 64 +...
Cheevos is now available in the latest nightly. Shall we close this issue @aznlir88?
> Btw. what systems are supported when it comes to cheevos? I am not sure. If after loading a core, the "Achievements" option appears, then it _should_ work. I can...
@whatnowmax maybe we should double check for all cores available then. I can try PS1 this weekend. From your log, it seems that the game was successfully recognized but the...
> i had a problem where retroarch freezes when opening the archivement list of a gba game. Have you tried enabling threaded tasks?
> Hmm, tried with "threaded tasks" enabled and it did not change much The threaded tasks is just to avoid that "freeze" at start. When disabled it means that retroarch...
I was able to reproduce the issue. A few notes. On the real wii I noticed that there issues if you use retroarch without a SD card inserted both achievements...
Apparently the issue is that a recv call is asking too much memory for one call. So the recv call is failing with IPC_ENOMEM. I logged the calls and the...
Indeed, splitting the recv ([patch.txt](https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/files/14332195/patch.txt)) seems to solve the issue in Dolphin. I will test it later on the console.