css_browser_selector copied to clipboard
Non-minified version
First off all, thanks for the smart script :)
I've just ported it to PHP for a Drupal module (I know about Bastian Allgeier's PHP version, but it wasn't up to date with your latest changes and I wanted to give it a try). To understand the script I had to untangle the one line of JS, which was a bit painful.
Would it be possible to also provide a non-minified version of the script?
For example, here is my untangled version of 0.4.0:
function css_browser_selector(u) {
var ua = u.toLowerCase(),
is = function(t) {
return ua.indexOf(t) > -1
g = 'gecko',
w = 'webkit',
s = 'safari',
o = 'opera',
m = 'mobile',
h = document.documentElement,
b = [
(!(/opera|webtv/i.test(ua)) && /msie\s(\d)/.test(ua)) ? ('ie ie' + RegExp.$1)
: is('firefox/2') ? g + ' ff2'
: is('firefox/3.5') ? g + ' ff3 ff3_5'
: is('firefox/3.6') ? g + ' ff3 ff3_6'
: is('firefox/3') ? g + ' ff3'
: is('gecko/') ? g
: is('opera') ? o + (
/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$1
: (
/opera(\s|\/)(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + o + RegExp.$2
: ''
: is('konqueror') ? 'konqueror'
: is('blackberry') ? m + ' blackberry'
: is('android') ? m + ' android'
: is('chrome') ? w + ' chrome'
: is('iron') ? w + ' iron'
: is('applewebkit/') ? w + ' ' + s + (
/version\/(\d+)/.test(ua) ? ' ' + s + RegExp.$1
: ''
: is('mozilla/') ? g
: '',
is('j2me') ? m + ' j2me'
: is('iphone') ? m + ' iphone'
: is('ipod') ? m + ' ipod'
: is('ipad') ? m + ' ipad'
: is('mac') ? 'mac'
: is('darwin') ? 'mac'
: is('webtv') ? 'webtv'
: is('win') ? 'win' + (
is('windows nt 6.0') ? ' vista'
: ''
: is('freebsd') ? 'freebsd'
: (is('x11') || is('linux')) ? 'linux'
: '',
c = b.join(' ');
h.className += ' ' + c;
return c;
Much more readable :)