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Docs missing for using the Package provider

Open whyscream opened this issue 11 years ago • 1 comments

I tried installing packages using the Package provider in stead of usingpear::package, but I seem to fail at it. reading the source, this should be the correct way, but it does not work:

package { 'php-pear':
  ensure => installed,

package { 'PHPUnit':
  ensure => installed,
  provider => pear,
  source => 'pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit',
  require => Package['php-pear'],

Could you please add some docs on how to use the module in this way? Specific details on using channels would be great.

whyscream avatar Aug 19 '13 10:08 whyscream

It looks like the package provider syntax only works if you use the default channel. If you specify an alternate channel via source, it fails.

scurvy avatar Dec 12 '13 19:12 scurvy