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Configurable WyzeSense to MQTT Gateway intended for use with Home Assistant or other platforms that use MQTT discovery mechanisms.
WyzeSense to MQTT Gateway
Configurable WyzeSense to MQTT Gateway intended for use with Home Assistant or other platforms that use MQTT discovery mechanisms. The gateway allows direct local access to Wyze Sense products without the need for a Wyze Cam or cloud services. This project and its dependencies have no relation to Wyze Labs Inc.
Special Thanks
- HcLX for WyzeSensePy, the core library this project uses.
- Kevin Vincent for HA-WyzeSense, the reference code I used to get things working right with the calls to WyzeSensePy.
- ozczecho for wyze-mqtt, the inspiration for this project.
- rmoriz for multiarch-test, this allowed the Docker Hub Autobuilder to work for multiple architectures including ARM32v7 (Raspberry Pi) and AMD64 (Linux).
Table of Contents
WyzeSense to MQTT Gateway
- Special Thanks
- Table of Contents
- Docker
- Linux Systemd
Config Files
- config.yaml
- logging.yaml
- sensors.yaml
- Pairing a Sensor
- Removing a Sensor
- Reload Sensors
- Command Line Tool
- Home Assistant
- Tested On
This is the most highly tested method of running the gateway. It allows for persistance and easy migration assuming the hardware dongle moves along with the configuration. All steps are performed from Docker host, not container.
- Plug Wyze Sense Bridge into USB port on Docker host. Confirm that it shows up as /dev/hidraw0, if not, update devices entry in Docker Compose file with correct path.
- Create a Docker Compose file similar to the following. See Docker Compose Docs for more details on the file format and options. If you would like to help test in development feaures, please change the image to "devel" instead of "latest".
version: "3.7"
container_name: wyzesense2mqtt
image: raetha/wyzesense2mqtt:latest
hostname: wyzesense2mqtt
restart: always
tty: true
stop_signal: SIGINT
network_mode: bridge
- "/dev/hidraw0:/dev/hidraw0"
- "/docker/wyzesense2mqtt/config:/wyzesense2mqtt/config"
- "/docker/wyzesense2mqtt/logs:/wyzesense2mqtt/logs"
TZ: "America/New_York"
- Create your local volume mounts. Use the same folders as selected in the Docker Compose file created above.
mkdir /docker/wyzesense2mqtt/config
mkdir /docker/wyzesense2mqtt/logs
- Create or copy a config.yaml file into the config folder (see sample below or copy from repository). The script will automatically create a default config.yaml if one is not found, but it will need to be modified with your MQTT details before things will work.
- Copy a logging.yaml file into the config folder (see sample below or copy from repository). The script will automatically create a default logging.yaml if one does not exist. You only need to modify this if more complex logging is required.
- If desired, pre-populate a sensors.yaml file into the config folder with your existing sensors. This file will automatically be created if it doesn't exist. (see sample below or copy from repository)
- Start the Docker container
docker-compose up -d
- Pair sensors following instructions below. You do NOT need to re-pair sensors that were already paired, they should be found automatically on start and added to the config file with default values, but the sensor version will be unknown.
Linux Systemd
The gateway can also be run as a systemd service for those not wanting to use Docker. Requires Python 3.6 or newer. You may need to do all commands as root, depending on filesystem permissions.
- Plug Wyze Sense Bridge into USB port on Linux host.
- Pull down a copy of the repository
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/raetha/wyzesense2mqtt.git
# Use the below command instead if you want to help test the devel branch
# git clone -b devel https://github.com/raetha/wyzesense2mqtt.git
- Create local application folders (Select a location that works for you, example uses /wyzesense2mqtt)
mv /tmp/wyzesense2mqtt/wyzesense2mqtt /wyzesense2mqtt
rm -rf /tmp/wyzesense2mqtt
cd /wyzesense2mqtt
mkdir config
mkdir logs
- Prepare config.yaml file. You must set MQTT host parameters! Username and password can be blank if unused. (see sample below)
cp samples/config.yaml config/config.yaml
vim config/config.yaml
- Modify logging.yaml file if desired (optional)
cp samples/logging.yaml config/logging.yaml
vim config/logging.yaml
- If desired, pre-populate a sensors.yaml file with your existing sensors. This file will automatically be created if it doesn't exist. (see sample below) (optional)
cp samples/sensors.yaml config/sensors.yaml
vim config/sensors.yaml
- Install dependencies
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Configure the service
vim wyzesense2mqtt.service # Only modify if not using default application path
sudo cp wyzesense2mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start wyzesense2mqtt
sudo systemctl status wyzesense2mqtt
sudo systemctl enable wyzesense2mqtt # Enable start on reboot
- Pair sensors following instructions below. You do NOT need to re-pair sensors that were already paired, they should be found automatically on start and added to the config file with default values, but the sensor version will be unknown.
Config Files
The gateway uses three config files located in the config directory. Samples of each are below and in the repository.
This is the main configuration file. Aside from MQTT host, username, and password, the defaults should work for most people.
mqtt_host: <host>
mqtt_port: 1883
mqtt_username: <user>
mqtt_password: <password>
mqtt_client_id: wyzesense2mqtt
mqtt_clean_session: false
mqtt_keepalive: 60
mqtt_qos: 2
mqtt_retain: true
self_topic_root: wyzesense2mqtt
hass_topic_root: homeassistant
hass_discovery: true
publish_sensor_name: true
usb_dongle: auto
This file contains a yaml dictionary for the logging.config module. Python docs at logging configuration
version: 1
format: '%(message)s'
datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s'
class: logging.StreamHandler
formatter: simple
level: DEBUG
backupCount: 7
class: logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
encoding: utf-8
filename: logs/wyzesense2mqtt.log
formatter: verbose
level: INFO
when: midnight
- file
- console
level: DEBUG
This file will store basic information about each sensor paired to the Wyse Sense Bridge. The entries can be modified to set the class type and sensor name as it will show in Home Assistant. Class types can be automatically filled for opening
, motion
, and moisture
, depending on the type of sensor. Since this file can be automatically generated, Python may automatically quote the MACs or not depending on if they are fully numeric.
class: door
name: Entry Door
invert_state: false
class: window
name: Office Window
invert_state: false
class: opening
name: Kitchen Fridge
invert_state: false
class: motion
name: Hallway Motion
invert_state: false
class: moisture
name: Basement Moisture
invert_state: true
Pairing a Sensor
At this time only a single sensor can be properly paired at once. So please repeat steps below for each sensor.
- Publish a blank message to the MQTT topic "self_topic_root/scan" where self_topic_root is the value from the configuration file. The default MQTT topic would be "wyzesense2mqtt/scan" if you haven't changed the configuration. This can be performed via Home Assistant or any MQTT client.
- Use the pin tool that came with your Wyze Sense sensors to press the reset switch on the side of the sensor to pair. Hold in until the red led blinks.
Removing a Sensor
- Publish a message containing the MAC to be removed to the MQTT topic "self_topic_root/remove" where self_topic_root is the value from the configuration file. The default MQTT topic would be "wyzesense2mqtt/remove" if you haven't changed the configuration. The payload should look like "AABBCCDD". This can be performed via Home Assistant or any MQTT client.
Reload Sensors
If you've changed your sensors.yaml file while the gateway is running, you can trigger a reload of the sensors.yaml file without restarting the gateway or Docker container.
- Publish a blank message to the MQTT topic "self_topic_root/reload" where self_topic_root is the value from the configuration file. The default MQTT topic would be "wyzesense2mqtt/reload" if you haven't changed the configuration. This can be performed via Home Assistant or any MQTT client.
Command Line Tool
The bridge_tool_cli.py script can be used to interact with your bridge to perform a few simple functions. Make sure to specify the correct device for your environment.
python3 bridge_tool_cli.py --device /dev/hidraw0
Once run it will present a menu of its functions:
- L - List paired sensors
- P - Pair new sensors
- U
- Unpair sensor (e.g. "U AABBCCDD") - F - Fix invalid sensors (Removes sensors with invalid MACs, common problem with broken sensors or low batteries)
Home Assistant
Home Assistant simply needs to be configured with the MQTT broker that the gateway publishes topics to. Once configured, the MQTT integration will automatically add devices for each sensor along with entites for the state, battery_level, and signal_strength. By default these entities will have a device_class of "opening" for contact sensors, "motion" for motion sensors, and "moisture" for leak sensors. They will be named for the sensor type and MAC, e.g. Wyze Sense Contact Sensor AABBCCDD. To adjust the device_class to "door" or "window", and set a custom name, update the sensors.yaml configuration file and replace the defaults, then restart WyzeSense2MQTT. For a comprehensive list of device classes the Home Assistant recognizes, see the binary_sensor
Tested On
- Debian Buster (Docker)
- Raspbian Buster (RPi 4)